Thursday, June 24, 2010

Stoning In The Streets...

How's that multi-culti thing working out for you, Europe?


  1. Hideous. But I think the mutli culti thing isn;t restricted to Europe by any means. It's a global thing.

    Sorry for the absence. Been tweeting for Israel but otherwise have been completely preoccupied buying a house. And truthfully not been all that well lately so needed to keep to myself a bit.

    Hope everyone here is doing fine. Much love to you all and hope to be back posting as soon as poss.


  2. We've missed you, alison! Buying a home is exciting, and VERY time-consuming and stressful. Please take good care of yourself!

  3. "I think the mutli culti thing isn;t restricted to Europe by any means."

    Oh, I completely agree Alison and didn't mean to imply that it was restricted to Europe. It just seems, from the news we get here, that there are quite often incidences of "Arab/Asian" groups roaming the street protesting, tossing stones, torching cars etc. We don't seem to have that happen in Canada/USA (yet).

    But, I am very happy to see you back here and hope you resume your writing soon. Good luck with the house purchase and hope you feel better soon.

    Are you watching the footie?
