Monday, June 7, 2010

Helen Thomas 'Retiring'

According to USA Today, at least.  Too bad the raggedy old witch didn't do it before she disgraced herself.


  1. Too bad for her. Awesome for us. She did us all a huge favor by ripping the mask off.

    Drudge's headline is delicious.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. lewy, I just dropped in for a sec before dinner to say that I LOVED the Drudge headline :-)

    Helen sent to Poland


  4. FINALLY! And effective immediately, according to what I read on CNN. Just had to drop in on the party I knew would be at the Kitchen Table. :-)

  5. Hi Lyana, long time no see! Are you all unpacked now?

    Yes, we should have a party, shouldn't we!

    I think this guy can start the dancing:


  6. Fay, LMAO at your Tevye!! It's wonderful :-)

    Lyana, I didn't even know you were moving again. Are you still in BC? Hope you had help as you have your hands full with the little ones...

    Anyhoo, yes, good to see you!

  7. Magic Fayre, I had to remove the post because I mucked up the graphic again.


  8. Hello ladies! No, I'm not even close to unpacked yet. Wish I were!

    We didn't move far; just about 15 blocks west. I'm really enjoying the new place. We were blessed with a huge amount of help (though it meant that some things are quite scrambled...) Oh well - it will all get sorted out at some point!

  9. I'm glad you didn't have far to go and allot of volunteers :-)

    One of these days I hope we can all get together...the RadioMattMs, Lyana & co, maybe TS too...

  10. Hi Lyana! It's wonderful to see you!

    Drudge's headline is a classic. Nasty, hateful old bat. Good riddance!
