Sunday, June 27, 2010

Bye-Bye Anti-Black Byrd?

92 year-old Robert Byrd, Self-righteous former Klansman, and the longest (some would argue worst) 'serving' senator in US history, is hospitalized in 'serious' condition.

I make no apologies for the threadline ;^)


  1. Just because someone is near death does not mean he was not a disgusting human being.

  2. Hmm, I wonder if it ever occurred to him that, at his age, if he was not a senator, the Health 'Care' bill he voted for, would have stopped paying to treat him about 10 years ago?

  3. "Hmm, I wonder if it ever occurred to him that, at his age, if he was not a senator, the Health 'Care' bill he voted for, would have stopped paying to treat him about 10 years ago?"

    Wonder how many "voters" will see it the same way in 2010/2012!

  4. The old bastard died this morning. No tears here.
