Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Another Useless UN Agency

Is Obama intentionally trying to piss off every fat-assed, humououououorless Canadian housewife?

1 comment:

  1. Geez Fay, it's only garden-variety wealth distribution! Rich donor nations pony up the cash, and poor recipient nations decide how to spend it. What could possibly go wrong? It's dreamy, baby!

    It really sends me into orbit when Obama babbles to congress about cutting police, fire, and teachers, but yet he has PLENTY of money to shovel it to foreign despots ruling shitty little backwards countries. Congress cuts medicare reimbursement and unemployment, but yet has PLENTY of money for unqualified people to buy houses they can't afford (yes, they're STILL doing that), and to send people to college that read at a fourth grade level and can't perform simple arithmetic (yes, they're doing that, too).

    We've gone through the looking glass.
