Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Open Thread For Primary Elections

Four states are holding primaries today: Oregon, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, and Arkansas.

Republican voters in Kentucky will be choosing between a mainstream guy and a man who prefers his tea dumped in the harbor. It will be interesting to see if Rand Paul can carry the day.

In Pennsylvania, Mr. Switcheroo Arlen Specter is in a dead heat with Joe Sestak. This is a race I'm watching closely. Go Joe!

Arkansas is a battlefield. Blanche Lincoln has been saturating the state with ads, most of them directed at Independents. Her challenger, Bill Halter, is running to the left of Lincoln. Folks here are in an ugly mood; Lincoln will be lucky to squeak through the primary. Another possibility: since there is a third candidate also running, Arkansas could be looking at a runoff between Lincoln and Halter.

And in Oregon...hmm...what going on in Oregon? Anything interesting?


  1. Lewy and DWT, I hope you'll give us exciting and enthusiastic updates from your respective states. :D

    We need to draft someone from Kentucky...should I go trolling on bluegrass blogs until I find some poor sucker who likes cheese, Tetley's, and Dragnet? LOL!

  2. We went to vote a few minutes ago. The nice election ladies said that turnout has been light at our precinct.

    They even gave us a "thank you" candy. :)

  3. Fox just projected Rand Paul will win in Kentucky...he's WAY ahead of Grayson. Wow.

    Tea anyone? :P

  4. Lady Red - don't forget that today is also the special election that will determine who replaces Frank Murtha. At least for six months.

  5. Ah, thank you DWT! I'd forgotten about Murtha's seat.

  6. If Tim Burns wins, I'll be doing cartwheels across my living room. Figuratively, of course. :)

  7. Trouble is that the PA gvoernment election returns website is showing 0 votes counted, and does not, for some reason, seem to include that special election, though it does include the primary for the district.

  8. Hmm...Burns' democratic opponent ran on a platform of anti-Obamacare, anti-cap&tax, and pro-life. He tried everything to distance himself from Murtha and Obama.

    DINO, or is the tide turning? Are the new dems coming back to the mainstream center?

  9. With 16% reporting: Specter leads by 50.5% to 49.5%.

    It's nose to nose!

  10. The Pennsylvania election results site just crashed. Heh.

  11. Sestak just pulled ahead of Specter. What a nail biter!

    Burns is toast, but with two conservatives running for the seat, I guess we win either way.

  12. Specter lost. As solus would say, schadenfreude ensues.

    However, I have mixed feelings about his losing as Toomey polled much higher against Specter than Sestak.

  13. We're watching Fight Quest. Same thing, but better for my blood pressure.

  14. afw, LMAO! Yeah, I better head out for my nightly stroll...catch y'all later!

  15. I had to google Fight Quest as I had no idea what that was. Which is strange since I am addicted to MMA :-)

    OK, I'm going for reals...

  16. No, florrie! Don't go! Stay away from the light!

    //can you tell I'm fighting a Haagen Daz craving?

    Florrie - they have Fight Quest on Netflix (which is where we're watching it). I love it, it's addictive.

  17. Anything interesting in Oregon?

    Not really.

    Kitzhaber, the Dem winner, has been governor before and was the less liberal of the Democratic candidates.

    Chris Dudley (R) is an ex Trailblazer - by all accounts a very nice guy. Dunno what his qualifications are besides being tall, rich, and a local celeb. And a nice guy of course. The guy he beat, Allen Alley, is a local tech entrepreneur - used to race against his marketing director back when I was racing bikes. Alley is so socially conservative that that he was seen as having little chance in the general, so perhaps that's why Dudley won.

    Kitzhaber is not so moonbat that I care so much if he wins, and Dudley isn't so all that that I feel like rooting for him.


    Things could change as I get more plugged in.

    But the status quo changes slowly around here; the zeitgeist is shifting.

  18. Well, Spectre lost, but Sestak is more left than he was, so it is a mixed (at best) blessing. At least Toomey still polls far ahead of Sestak, but you can be sure the Dems will throw everything that Soros can afford into the election this fall.

    Critz took the special election, while Burns won the primary to go against him yet again in November.

    The trouble is that PA 12 has lived off the pork collected by Murtha for years, and they expect that to continue with Critz.

    Once again, you can be pretty sure that he will get a lot of help in the next six months, including pork out of all proportion to his seniority.

  19. Dances, I'm hoping that PA 12 will suck it up. They have to know that we're all watching them slurp at the public trough.

    I think it's important that we get behind Toomey, and send him whatever $$ we can. You're right; Soros will throw armfuls of his booty at Sestak.

    (Er, "booty" as in ill-gotten loot, not wrinkly nether-regions.)


  20. I see the 'news' and other lefty types are already spinning this as the death-knell for conservative/GOP/Tea Party hopes this November.

    But the way I see it is this. PA 12 is a district with 2 to 1 Democrat to GOP registration, with thousands of unemployed union members, that has been represented by a superior pork producer for 30 years (Hell, I think even the public restrooms are named after Murtha.)

    Given all this, the hand-picked successor to Murtha, who had nearly $2 million spent on his campaign by the Dems, and was endorsed by Murtha's wife, STILL felt he had to run to the right in his campaign, and even after all that won by 8 points?

    No, there should be no joy in Demville. Because Critz is going in just in time to get to vote on Cap & Trade legislation that will badly hurt what is one of the few industries left in that area, coal mining.

    If he votes no, he will get little support from the Dems this fall, if he votes yes, he will proceed to alienate a lot of those people who voted for him this time.

  21. Either way, he'll have a tough time in November when he faces Burns for round two...

  22. The lefties and newsies are talk, talk, talking it up but IMO that will only strengthen people's resolve until Nov. as well as win more voters over to the tea party philosophy. They-just-don't-get-it.
