Saturday, April 3, 2010

What 20 Years Can Do

From this:
To this:


  1. Her face actually doesn't look that bad for 20 years later. But that outfit, OMG! How dowdy can you get...

    And mouse over the second pic, I got it to show text!

  2. That is dowdy. Why would she do that - she doesn't look bad!

    I never get why people who have so much potential let themselves go. It's not all about how we look in life, but if you look good, you feel good. No matter how superficial that sounds.

    And as far as women go, there is no woman out there who has to be ugly - there are clothes and hairstyles that will flatter anyone. And I'm not even getting into makeup (which I prefer not to wear very often myself).

    I'm always taken aback by how Helena Bonham Carter dresses outside her "flashy" events. I get that she's, um, "quirky". But she is really beautiful, even with all the quirk. And then she dresses like a bag lady...

  3. I think she looks good. I know she tore up a picture of the Pope (and I think she really regretted doing that) but I am a big fan of hers. Her road to "self-discovery" has just been a little bumpier than for many others...

    I do not want what I haven't got

    This still give me chills. It's a Chinese site, it's all I could find.

  4. "And mouse over the second pic, I got it to show text!"

    Fayre is magic indeedy!

  5. Wow. Major frump.
    She doesn't look old, just really average. Which is a strange way for someone who was that beautiful to look.

  6. Yes, you nailed it mw. She was stunningly beautiful, average doesn't cut it for her.

  7. florie said: "This still give me chills. It's a Chinese site, it's all I could find."

    Wow, it gave me chills also. Thanks for posting that florrie.

    I don't think it's a Chinese site, the words and punctuation marks look Vietnamese to me.

  8. She looks like she's on her way to a costume party dressed as Kenny from South Park.

  9. The old picture is a professionally done head shot, the new picture is an on-the-street paparazzi shot or a snap shot.

    It appears to me that she would look just as good now as she did then if a new photo was the same type of shot as the old one.

    While, obviously, I do not object to photos with perfect make-up and lighting, I think a beautiful woman is one who can look nice without all of that. I think she looks a lot better than I would if a photo were taken of me on a cold night on the street.

  10. I don't think it's a Chinese site, the words and punctuation marks look Vietnamese to me.

    Chinese...Vietnamese...aren't they all the same?

    / better add this just in case
