Sunday, April 4, 2010

It's Springtime!


  1. Happy Pesach to our Jewish friends, and Happy Easter to our Christian friends.


  2. Happy Easter and Passover, everyone!

  3. Right Wing ConspiratorApril 4, 2010 at 1:16 PM

    Happy Easter and Passover all.

    35 and still getting a basket....sheesh :-P

  4. Yay RWC is here! Welcome, welcome, and hope you come back often!

    Happy Easter to you.

    And just what is wrong with getting an Easter Basket at 35 anyway...

  5. RWC, happy Easter!

    I sent you a message Friday on facebook about Clash of the Titans, then I realized Tom had logged on to his account! So you may have wondered who that was from, lol.

    Did you see it? What is your recommendation? We weren't able to go this weekend but we want to see it Wed. or Thurs.

  6. I loved getting the Easter basket every year. OK, except for the jellybeans :-) I loved the malted milk eggs and the Reese's PB cup eggs were the BEST!

    The chocolate bunnies were too much.

  7. I'll probably go to hell for posting this but it's only good once a year.

    I stole this from solus :-)

  8. I didn't like the peeps either, ew.

  9. Right Wing ConspiratorApril 4, 2010 at 2:05 PM


    No, still haven't seen it :-( And don't worry, I knew it was from ya :-)

    "I'll probably go to hell for posting this but it's only good once a year."

    Me first me first...uhh, I guess a warning is in order...

  10. Hi RWC! It's so good to see you! Welcome!

    I'm off to my son's house for an Easter egg hunt. BBL!

  11. LOL florrie, I was just thinking about that cartoon the other day but didn't remember that it was you who had it. It's my all time favourite!

  12. Easter? The Bunny? What?!


  13. I made Passover Pails/Easter Buckets!


  14. My kids were VERY excited to get their baskets this morning - AFG had picked them out when he was home, so they were extra special. :)

    Happy Easter/Passover everyone!

  15. Very nice, Fay!

    I couldn't get RWC's picture to open...that's probably a good thing...anyway, from the URL is sounds like Aridog's picture only of a cat partaking.

    I have to say I wouldn't mind if the dogs got the rabbit that lives around here. At least they keep him out of the yard and garden.

  16. I have a new PC, finally. Gus built it last night and spent today getting everything working.

    Except F'ing Linux, which is worth every penny I paid for it, exactly zero.

    After more than 7 hours of screwing with it, I have decided that the next thing I buy will be windows 7, and Linux will hit the trash where it belongs.

  17. Fay, your Passover pail is adorable!

  18. This is for you florrie!


  19. Thanks lady red, our dinner guests last night loved theirs!

  20. This is DWT's picture:



    Feel free to delete this comment!

  21. Umm, that is RWC's Pic, Lewy - I can barely even send a tex message with Linux

  22. Ooops, sorry, too many d00dz with TLA handles... i get confuzed...

  23. Kittehs! gotta eat too

    ps - do I have to type my name each time or is there a way to save it?

  24. Sign in with a Google account RWC then it will remember your name. I think there should be a sign in link at the top of the page.

  25. RWC...there is a drop down list of account types, after "Comment as:" you can use to keep your name & avatar in memory....Google or Wordpress works for I have both of those identities. If you don't have one, Google is the easiest to set up.

  26. Does anyone know the address of the originator of Ubuntu, so I can go and kick him to death?

    I was trying to open a new post from the 10th amendment site, but the damned Ubuntu OS would not let the 'Edit HTML screen work properly.

    Anyone want to make a post from this?;

  27. Dances: What do you want to call the post, and what do you want to say about the link?

    I'll post it for you if you let me know.

  28. Fay 'When Supreme is not Supreme' would be a good title, and just let the folks read it for themselves to decide what they have to say

  29. Fay, you're scaring is lewy...

    DWT, I wondered where you were. That's great, you got a new computer! We are right behind you, hope to get one this summer maybe.

    Yeah, Windows7 is the easiest to deal with, wouldn't you say, guys?

  30. RWC, if you have gmail, you already have a google account. At least, that's what worked for me :-)

  31. Does anyone know the address of the originator of Ubuntu, so I can go and kick him to death?

    I have to admit I was snickering over that comment :-)

    Dances, I know what you mean, I spent a good 2 hours this afternoon getting the security tool virus off our computer. I'd like to do the same to the people who came up with that one.

  32. OK, I'm talking to myself again, heh heh.

    Guess I'll check back in later :-)

  33. Florinista said: "Yeah, Windows7 is the easiest to deal with, wouldn't you say, guys?"

    No comment.

    I'm still an XP-Pro user, cringing at the thought of the time I will have to upgrade. I'm told Windows 7 is better than Windows Vista. Never the less, there area lot of programs I use that wil not run on Windows Vista or 7, so I'll have to upgrade them or quit them....some are high 3 figures, to mid-4 figure cost numbers.

  34. My computer has Vista. It takes 5 minutes to shut down, 10 minutes to start. Needless to say I leave it up most of the time. However, as Microsoft has a habit of cluttering up memory so full that your computer does not work, that causes problems after a while.

    Is 7 really that much better than Vista, or is it the usual MS thing of trading one set of problems for another?

  35. img:"!/theTragicallyHip?ref=ts"

    Er, I was just talking out of my hat...

    Actually we still have XP and it's been fine, that's why I thought 7 would also be good but I have no experience with 7 (or Vista, for that matter). I didn't know programs that could run on XP wouldn't work on either of the newer systems, I can see why you are loathe to switch.

    Speaking of new stuff, I saw a guy demoing the new IPad and I think I may have to have one of those.

  36. Oh shoot, I even mucked up my "embarrassed" picture, I don't even know how to get in and fix that :-(

    Must be time to hit the sack.

    Good night, everybody!

  37. Sorry guys, been neglecting my commenting duties... Happy Easter to all from Africa!

  38. Matt, that sounds awful, I guess Vista and 7 aren't so hot after all...

  39. From Africa?!? I guess I need to hone up on my commenting duties too :-)

    Happy Easter, Old Iron.

  40. RadioMattM:

    May I suggest CC Cleaner for periodic clean up of your system. We leve both our computers on 24/7 and always have done so, without problems.


    Whether or not a particular software will run on Windows 7 has to be determiend from Microsoft and the software originator. Don't assume it. Some do, some don't. It's my more expensive ones that don't and require upgrade or repalcement...but I doubt many out there in our little world are using them...for example AutoCAD or various iGrafix/Micrografix applicatons.

    Come the "revolution" I won't be using them either...Autosketch will do me just fine, with les bells and whistles.

  41. Windows 7 has the reputation of being a much better program than Vista was, much leaner and more streamlined, as well as clearing a lot of Vista's other glitches.

    I certainly hope that's the case, as I just ordered 7 Pro, 64 bit from New Egg for $139.99.

  42. As soon as I have a functional OS and PC, and can there fore do links, I will report on the 5 books I've read (2 last week, and just finishing the third for this week) since our last book thread.

    Two of the 5 were excellent, one very good, one I did not want to read but felt I must when it jumped out at me from the library shelf. The fourth was essentially published only because of the author's name, and the fifth is something in one of my areas of interest.

  43. Yay, I'll be looking forward our next book thread. I've read one that was "eh" and another that I'm enjoying very much. I'm very curious what you're reading! :)
