Monday, April 19, 2010

Socialism: You work so we don't have to...

EU says vacationing is a human right.




  1. You mean I could have had the government pay for our Disney World trip rather than saving for it?

  2. And we are heading rapidly down that same cliff, er road, as the US is dragged into the Euro-socialist mold.

    For those who have not recently, (or ever) read Brave New world, or 1984, I heartily recommend them, as Orwell saw exactly what the left has been doing all over the world since the coming of Marxism.

    Destroy human morality and faith in God, then when the people are reeling and have nowhere to turn, substitute government as both the Creator and only moral authority, as well as the only provider.

  3. AFW, not yet, you'll have to wait a few more years.

  4. I have a right to a free college degree without all this pesky studying. Gimme!

    Oh, I also have a right to a free shiny new Ford pick-up. Gimme gimme!

    Disneyworld? Pshaw. I have a right to vacation for a couple of months in the Med. On a yacht. For free. Gimme gimme gimme!

    Life is so fun with all these rights! I don't have to work anymore, my health care is free, and I can have free ice cream for breakfast! I have a RIGHT to free ice cream for breakfast!

    What a dope my neighbor is. Working and slaving away to pay for what is rightfully mine. Hahaha! Silly neighbor...

  5. Looking through the sidebar, I see that Huffpo is listed under news.

    I hereby formally propose the instead, we have a new heading directly under 'Blogs We Enjoy' to be labelled 'Blogs We Don't', and that the first resident of that header be Huffpo.

    Alternative names (Bothersome Blather? Socialist Screeds? etc) anyone?

  6. Er, my last comment was directed at your "silly neighbor" comment...

    I like Bothersome Blather. :)

  7. We could have a heading titled "Obama Cheering Section" and list HuffPo, MSNBC, NYT, etc.

    Then we could have a heading titled "Real News" and leave it blank.

  8. Lady Red - LMAO back for the blank 'Real News' idea.

  9. OK, gots to go buy lumber to build some shelves in my sister's room.

    At least you'll be rid of me for a while.

  10. "At least you'll be rid of me for a while."

    Hah! That's what you think! We're gonna buy a six pack, plop down in our lawn chairs, and watch you build shelves. ;p

  11. DWT, then you can come to my house and build more shelves because I have a RIGHT to them.

  12. LOL! Redistribute the shelves! 2,000 pages of legislation should do it...

    If you don't want to share your shelves with those too lazy to buy their own shelves, you're a RACIST. And...and...a bad speller! Or something.

  13. Well, my sister had other ideas. She wants those plastic-coated wire shelves, that hang from wall brackets.

    Actually, once all the measuring is done, that will make things much easier, but not until next weekend, now.

  14. OK, back to the kitchen - it is my turn to wash dishes, sigh.

  15. imgw:""

  16. LMAO!!!!

    Actually, I think I know that guy.

  17. I am reporting all you domestic terrorists snarking about vacations being a human right to DHS!

    All this outrage at gubmint plans is just a prelude to rebellion against the State :OP

  18. DWT, I just watched a trailer for 1984 a few days ago. It is a good time to give that movie a relook. Prescient, wasn't it?
    Lord of the Flies in schools, and Orwellian nightmares coming out of DC.

  19. Something folks ought to consider...George Orwell was a socialist himself. His objections were to the "some more equal than others form of despotism and totalitarianism." Otherwise he was a Democratic Socialist.

  20. Hmmmm...looks like "Vikram" has added a spell checker to TCKT...or is that just my brand new Opera installation?

  21. That would be your new Opera install there, Ari!

  22. Awww, more "becasue" and stuff, huh?

    Let's see if it let's me ignore it?

  23. I was kind of partial to Beca Sue...
