A great feature of the airline I travel on for business is the in-flight entertainment system available in every seat. Plus it's available on demand, which means that you can watch any program or movie at any time (unlike the charter flight we took last year to England where the programs/movies were on a loop so you never knew what was being shown or when).
Flying for business is where I catch up on watching Hollywood movies. This trip I saw three: An Education, The Blind Side, Up In The Air.
An Education was a very poignant "coming of age" story (yes, it really is worth the cliche) more so for me because it was set in early sixties London which is where I lived in the early sixties (although I was just a tad younger than the herione in the movie at that time).
The sets and period feeling were dead on. Like the herione, I too was wooed by an older (although not by much) very rich and wordly young man who (almost) broke my heart. Lessons learned and better for them, An Education is a film well made and well named.
Next was The Blind Side, a movie that tells a great story and doesn't talk down to the values and beliefs of its protaganists. I loved this movie for all the reasons I usually love movies, it made me laugh, it made me cheer, it made me cry. But more than all that, it made America (the land of the free and the home of the brave) real for me. A good story about good people, yay Hollywood for making this film.
Last, and very definitely least, was the truly awful Up In The Air. How this movie ever received an Oscar nomination for Best Picture beggars belief. One dimentional characters in a badly acted movie (Clooney appeared completely bored by the role and it looked like he phoned his performance in) horribly written, completely story deprived, this movie is beyond my comprehension. A word to the wise, even if you get the opportunity to watch this movie for free...don't bother, it's not even worth your time.
Oh, and I loved Sandra Bullock in The Blind Side movie.
ReplyDeleteBut why her on screen husband is never mentioned baffles me.
Tim McGraw be hot!
I have all these on my list from the Oscar nominations but I think I'll remove "Up in the Air".
ReplyDeleteI love Sandra Bullock. Her husband is a shit.
It's nice they offer all the latest movies, Fay, makes traveling a little easier, eh?
ReplyDeleteYeah, Tim McGraw is babe-alicious :-)
ReplyDeleteYou know, he sings pretty good too...
LOL florrie, yes he does sing pretty good. Plus he has a gorgeous wifey,
ReplyDeleteOh, and I'm only using the expression "wifey" because Mauro did. I think it's a compliment.
ReplyDeleteYes florrie, the movies and entertainment on the aircraft are great. Plus a lot of trips I'm upgraded to Executive/First Class. That happened on the outbound leg which was very nice.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the picks and pans, Fay! I rarely watch movies, and I'm notoriously behind. There's nothing worse than wasting time on a bad movie (and there are so many bad ones these days).
ReplyDeleteI don't like George Clooney, personally or professionally. There are thousands of actors with more talent, IMO.
Tim McGraw is a sexy little biscuit! I enjoy his music, and he's very easy on the eyes. ;)
So, great story and hot leads to satisfy everybody. Sounds like Blind Side is a winner.
ReplyDeleteAnd it is out on DVD/Blue Ray on Tuesday.
My mum loved An Education and so did I. She was born and raised in south London. She never went to university or came close to it but all the same it was all very recognisable. My grandmother, a strong Protestant, used to look after young women who had back street abortions. One of whom was my mum's best friend who got involved with an older man in these sort of circumstances. The abortion left her close to death with blood poisoning and unable to have kids. Kris is her name and we all love her dearly. She was the best 'aunt' in the world. My mum's other friend got involved with an older man, they got engaged. Then it turned out he had a wife in Italy. He spent the next 30 years promising to leave his wife - from Italy. She never met anyone she fell in love with and saw him about 3 times in all. He called her up about ten years ago and said he was getting a divorce and would like to come over. She FINALLY responded: "You spent the best years of your life with your wife. Why should I take care of you now you are old and dicrepid?! "
ReplyDeleteI saw The Blind Side and I'm going to see Tim McGraw in concert at BC Place tomorrow. Great 'chick' flick that I think even men could appreciate.
ReplyDeleteUp in the Air - while I didn't find it as horrible as perhaps you felt it was... I wouldn't say it was amazing, nor really worthy of the Oscar nod that it received. I wouldn't go out of my way to watch it again, that's for sure!
I haven't seen An Education but I have heard of it and I now really want to see, more so than before.
Thanks for your commentary on the movies hon!
I'm also really looking forward to The Blind Side and An Education.
ReplyDeleteBut FOR SURE we are going to see Clash of the Titans when it opens on April 2nd!! In 3-D! At the IMax!
(RWC, if you're lurking, this is for you, bro :-)
Your fabulous linky poo right here
OOOOOH! Enjoy Tim McGraw ~KC~ we want a full review the next day!
ReplyDelete... with pictures no less!
ReplyDeleteHow did I ever miss lady red calling Tim McGraw a "sexy little biscuit"?
ReplyDeleteThat's a keeper, right there.
It totally is.
And if any of you haven't seen Sherlock Holmes - do! The kids and I LOVED it. So much so that we're going to buy it. We'll probably watch it that much.
... oh! I second Airforcewife... Sherlock Holmes was GREAT!! Old Iron & I watched it while on our hide-away holiday... and it's definitely watchable!
ReplyDeleteI've read, and someone at work told me, that Shelock Holmes was hard to follow. I did not think so at all. I thought all of the plt elements were easy to follow and made sense.
ReplyDeleteIf you want to wate your time seeing a movie that makes no sense, see "Lost in Translation." I could not help but ask myself, "Who are these people and why should I care."
My seven year old had no trouble following Sherlock Holmes.
ReplyDeleteWhich makes me wonder about the people who had trouble following it.
I mean, not to be rude or anything. But still - my son's seven and he can recite the plot out.
And my kids have total plans for Tuesday night when we bring the movie home.
... in a sea of plaid shirts, cowboy hats/boots and daisy duke short shorts - there was jirating, head bobbing, hand waiving, screaming, singing off key, tears, laughter, excitement and now ringing in my ears... all in all a fairly decent first 'date' with Tim McGraw and Lady A. I'll get to the pictures soon... I am very behind on pictures!