Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Monica Conyers

Sentenced to 3 Years.

School children celebrate!


  1. I can't remember if Monica or Tiara Princess is Aridog's favorite councilwoman but, either way, schadenfreude ensues :-)

  2. Her exchange with the schoolgirl is painful to watch. Ouch. Why do we keep electing these crooked, unsophisticated, ignorant, uneducated, double-digit IQ morons? That little girl is brighter and has more class in her little finger than Conyers can ever hope to steal/beg/borrow/steal in a lifetime.

    I have the same high opinion of her husband. Ptooey.

  3. I love what you wrote, lady red, and I couldn't agree more!

    Although, in fairness, Aridog has had personal contact with John Conyers and says he is a man of his word, IIRC.

    His *wife*, on the other hand, is a joke and a disgrace.

  4. This makes me giggle.

    A lot.

    I can't wait to tell AFG!

  5. Oh, Monica's not done yet. She caused such a scene in the courtroom and hallways, after sentancing, that they had to be cleared on the judge's orders.

    She will now attempt to withdraw her plea because she doesn't like the result. Plan on a lot of identity issues.

    And....gags me to say it...she does have a small point. The biggest grafter of all, Kwame da Maya' Playa' got a mere 120 days for issues more egregious. He ain't done yet either, nor is MOnica, as the FBI and IRS unfold their new cases. Then there's Monica's chief of staff ( now being retried), and Kwame's Momma (Congress woman...her staff is before a federal gradn jury as we speak) and his daddy, previous chief of staff for Ed McNamara, the county executive who spawned all of these fine folks, including our Governess.
