Thursday, February 11, 2010

Something a little different...

Being as we had Lady Gaga as a guest here a while back here is a 'different' interpretation of her work and being. A site I just ran into today that sees a conspiracy behind every tree, or, ummmm, would that be "Occult Symbolism" behind every tree. Especially when one takes a gander at the main page.


  1. Too weird for words.

    Some people have entirely too much time on their hands.

    And I bumped you down the page (sorry) as I wanted to keep florrie's post at the top...for today.

  2. Weird? No kidding! Good find, Luther; it's definitely different. I can't believe how many people are commenting on that site!

    It takes all kinds, I guess.

    /insert image of Planter's Mixed Nuts here

  3. That's fine, Fay. It's your anniversary. Congratulations to you and Matt and many more to come of those, I'm certain.

    Lady Red... I like weird shit. Just testing the waters here. The internet world is weird in and of itself. My thinking is that we as yet have no idea on how deeply we have been changed.

  4. Fascinating site, Luther. I'm pretty familiar with much of this symbolism stuff - comes from hanging out with Queequeg too much. ;)

    I think the guy is spot on with regards to identifying the symbolism, but pretty lame with respect to interpreting it.

    In fact, his ("Vigilant Citizen's") interpretations would be consistent with _him_ being a fame monster. Subcategory revenue, comma advertising.

  5. Insert Warner Brothers "wobeda, wobeda, wobeda," as when the cartoons protagonist is finally driven completely nuts.

  6. Lewy, I was best friends for years with a devoted Rosicrucian. Talk about symbolism, yikes! I also lived in SF starting in 73, for 14 years. In other words I've had my share of exposure to various interpretations of the world around us. :)

    I did/do like Robert Anton Wilson though. Clever guy.

    I so agree with your take on that site though, 'advertising'. And as Lady Red mentioned, he has many visitors in the comments so I guess it is working out for him.

  7. I'm having a WTF!? moment. How does Lady GaGa generate so much interest?

    I couldn't wade through it all...nausea was coming on, heh heh.

    Did they mention the allegations, due to untoawrd saugage lump in her pants periodically, (which she does not deny) that she is a hermorphrodite?

  8. Good question. I only used her as a lead-in to that site. Otherwise I, at my advanced age, have no need for her or her fans. She will in time fade back to her deserved obscurity.

  9. Yeah, I have to agree with Fay's #1 comment, she's too weird. Plus, I'd never seen her before the pic was posted here of her and E. John. Still haven't heard her sing.

    But there is something to be said for "being vacuous, incoherent and absent minded".

