Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A Dirty Martini: Shaken, Not Stirred

In case you missed it, alison hit it out of the park yesterday with an excellent piece.  Says she:

Modern parliamentarians have spent the last decade demolishing our constitutional monarchy all the while becoming a fucking oligarchy.  We the bloody people stood by and let it happen because, tee hee hee snigger, a constitutional monarchy in this day and age? 

Fuck you to hell and back Nu Labour & Co. I want a good old fashioned British lynching. A riot. I want these people dragged out by the now decidedly democratic and swinish multitudes and beheaded. They have all ceased to serve our interests.

Read the whole thing!  You'll be glad you did.  All Hail Britannia!


  1. Alison has it. The spirit of what I was speaking of below. A good strong person who has the guts to say what they think. A rousing cry for sanity and appreciation for our past. And to hell with the naysayers.

  2. Thanks Lady Red! It's peppered with expletives which may not be to everyone's taste but I was THAT pissed off. Thanks for the support!

  3. I read this on Alison's blog, it expresses perfectly my feelings also. Even though I haven't lived in England for over thirty years it breaks my heart to see what has happened to my once proud Country.

  4. alison - I'm totally expletive friendly.


  5. Ditto what Luther and afw said.

    Very nice bit of writing, allison, I couldn't agree more with your sentiments.
