Sunday, February 21, 2010

Clinton Plotting Tea Party Counterattack

Time for the Clinton's and their boy Carville to do what they do best: play dirty!

When tea party, 9/12 and townhall protests and rallies first erupted on the national scene, they were derided by national politicos as astroturf or a small fringe movement. Lefty journalists at MSNBC, CNN and elsewhere laughed away the movement with derogatory, pornographic references.

Then, Scott Brown won election to the U.S. Senate from Massachusetts. No one is laughing anymore. In fact, Democrats are facing political annihilation this November. Not only do Democrats face the possibility of losing their congressional majorities, massive losses in state house races could jeopardize redistricting next year and set back the progressive agenda for at least a decade.

So, the Clinton Empire is planning to strike back.

Big Government has learned that Clintonistas are plotting a “push/pull” strategy. They plan to identify 7-8 national figures active in the tea party movement and engage in deep opposition research on them. If possible, they will identify one or two they can perhaps ‘turn’, either with money or threats, to create a mole in the movement. The others will be subjected to a full-on smear campaign. (Has MSNBC already been notified?)

Big Government has also learned that James Carville will head up the effort.


  1. It seems to me that the tactic of "isolate and attack" has become too over-used for Clinton et al to have any hope of making such a tactic work. It didn't work on Palin, and honestly, it's even backfiring with GWB.

    Also, most "tea partiers" do not recognize a leader. As far as I'm concerned there isn't one.

    The progressives are scared shitless. The public, awakened from their nap and a little cranky, is not amused by the machinations perpetrated upon them over the decades. And contrary to lefty opinion, the public is not stupid.

    IMO, it would be utter suicide for Carville and Clinton to attempt this mad scheme. I think they are both too politically astute to jump off the cliff.

    It's too bad that these two men don't apply their considerable talents to putting our country back together again, instead of pecking around the barnyard with the other brainless chickens.

  2. I don't know of any Tea Party leader either, LadyR. Never heard of a one. The closest thing I could identify is Ron Paul, who seems to line up with a lot of the Tea Party sentiments, but even he doesn't really seem like any kind of Tea Party entity at all. Does he even go to them??

  3. I'm not sure if Paul attends tea party gatherings or not, MW. You know, to me, the whole point of the "tea party" phenomenon is that there is no "politician" leading the way. Most of us are sick to death of career politicians who have led us into a big, muddy ditch while lining their own corrupt pockets.

    We don't need professional politicians like Paul or Palin. We need MEN (and women) of principle to stand up for what is right and just. We need leaders who will put the future of America ahead of their own self-interests. We need a return to the core principles of hard work and self-reliance that made America the beacon of freedom throughout the world.

    Good luck finding anyone, huh? This isn't shaping up to be an age of heroes. All I hear is partisan bickering, and all I see is eye-gouging and hair-pulling. Our nation is in crisis, and our so-called "leaders" are busy throwing rocks across the fence and sticking their tongues out at each other. :(

  4. I think the worst thing C&C could do for their cause is to go after "leaders" of the conservative movement. Friday, Rush Limbaugh had a caller who began listening to the show specifically because Obama told people not to. Big Journalism covers how the MSM distorts, and even lies, in its coverage of events. Big Journalism is also do yeoman's work in showing how the left is trying to the Austin IRS Building into a 21st-Century Reichstag.

    Unfortunately for the left, there are too many sources of information available today. There have been fledgling signs of the government trying to control these sources, but they will fail -- they must fail. If they want a revolution, silencing talk radio and reigning in the internet will surely guarantee one.

    The people just don’t buy it anymore.

  5. Matt, your example of the Rush caller who listened to the show just because Obama told people not to encapsulates the mood in the country.

    People aren't gonna take it. Not the elephants, not the donkeys, not the indies.

    We're Americans. Don't tread on us. The more the the politicians try to ram this progressive crap down our throats, the more people will stand up face them down, IMO.

  6. The more the the politicians try to ram this progressive crap down our throats, the more people will stand up face them down, IMO
    I was thinking about that, wouldn't surprise me, if the government refused to honor the Constitution, to see Americans revolt in whatever way they think might do the trick. Not because Americans are inherently violent, or because violence is the first option Americans reach for, but because most Americans understand that the governing bodies are acting illegally, and US citizens are not SUPPOSED to put up with that.
    We'll see what's left of us come next election - what I am hearing is a 30-50% drop in the value of our currency. Watch oil - when it goes up, it's not going up. That means the dollar is going down.

  7. Watch oil - when it goes up, it's not going up. That means the dollar is going down.

    That correlation broke down when Greece's untenable fiscal condition became widely known and the Euro started sliding. Dollar up, oil up, gold hanging tough - this is not quite the market we had a couple months ago.

    As for the Clinton / Carville thing - I think they will be coming after bloggers before the come after "political leaders". The bloggers are the coordinators and mavens of the movement.

    This is not aimed necessarily at picking off undecided folks, but to give their own side talking points to kvetch about the eeeevil instanpundit/breibart/malkin "axis of glib" and take the left's mind off the failure of their own leaders - which threatens to flood the narrative zone.

  8. That correlation broke down
    I didn't get that from an economic theory or what's going on right now (or before), it was from a very old and ill oil man. Guess he'd be described as one of those "elites" people are so ticked off about.
    Well before oil shot up and then dropped back down to $50 he'd said that was exactly what was going to happen. Proved to me he knew what was what.

    The thing about the drop in the dollar he worded very strangely though. He said regarding the drop in the dollar "When you see oil go up, that's when you'll know THEY'RE making their move".
    30%-50% drop in the dollar within the next year is what he said was coming, the percentage depending on the reaction of Americans.
    Like, however much can be gotten away with is going to be.
