Monday, February 1, 2010

Celebrate Life!

David N. Bass has written an excellent piece about the controversy surrounding a television ad that is scheduled to run during the Superbowl.  The ad features college football star Tim Tebow and his mom, Pam.  The ad, sponsored by the Christian group Focus On The Family, shares Pam Tebow's decision not to abort her son.

Given the rhetorical firestorm, you'd think Tebow and his mom were using the ad to encourage Congress to enact the national "Keep Women Barefoot and in the Kitchen Act of 2010." Instead, Pam will explain her decision to have Tim despite doctors' advice to the contrary.

I applaud the courage of the Tebow family, and embrace the message they will bring into our living rooms on February 7:  Celebrate Life!


  1. It's Emma, isn't it! Oh, she's so gorgeous! Love her!

    I was as rabidly pro-choice as they come through college and through having my first two children. Then my sister delivered her first child who was blind, missing a walnut sized portion of her brain (in a 5 pound newborn!), and with numerous other problems due to a pre-natal stroke.

    She was a wonderful child. We all loved her deeply, and she loved everyone. Her name was Joy, and she truly inspired joy in everyone up until the day she left us when she was 2 1/2.

    I could not imagine having lived a life not knowing Joy - she introduced us to so much and taught everyone so much. And she is precisely the sort of child abortion is so often used to "select out."

    My sister's life taking care of Joy was difficult and stressful, but I know if you ask her she would rather still be pushing for Joy, still caring for her today.

    I still consider myself pro-choice, but I think the choice comes before conception. We choose to do the activity which can result in children. The chance for conception is always there - we accept the risk. The chance for a child who is not "perfect" according to society's standards is always there - we accept that risk as well.

    There is a lot I could say about this - but I'll spare you all. :)

  2. That darling Emma, she is so cute!!

    Nice post, afw, thanks. I couldn't agree with you more.

  3. "It's a wonder anyone takes feminists seriously when their hypocrisy is so manifold."

    I don't think many do take them seriously anymore.

    "The truth is in the numbers: for every adoption referral Planned Parenthood made in 2007, it conducted 62 abortions."

    What a sad statistic. There are so many couples who would LOVE to adopt these unwanted babies. We are going down the toilet as a society when we have millions of abortions to answer for.

  4. There's an abortion ticker widget that began averaging the number of US abortions in the year 2000 that has now reached 13,045,284.
    That's just here, and just since the year 2000. Unreal. 13 million murdered people. A lot to answer for indeed, floranista.
