Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A rebuttal to "Ten Reasons"

A Dennis Prager take down of CJ. Well done in my opinion.


  1. Excellent, thanks for posting that Luther.

    This particularly caught my attention:

    "many of whose language protection and secessionist ideals are virtually identical to those of the Party Quebecois, a party passionately supported by the left."

    So blindingly evident yet I never saw it before.

  2. Aggggh! The [] fascination is contagious?!!

    Otherwise, a pretty good piece on []'s pundit.

  3. Fay, but the Party Quebecois is fighting English speaking white people. That is allowed.

  4. You're welcome, Fay. And right, I had never realized that point either. But Matt is right, it depends on the enemy being fought, not the validity of the grievance.

    Yeah Ari, I suppose it is a little like driving slow past an accident. I guess because I was there pretty close to the beginning of the joint and am somewhat amazed at the changes since then. Also, I like Dennis Prager.

  5. Luther, if you don't mind my asking, what nick did you post under when you were there?

  6. 'mudmarine', Florrie. But I didn't comment very often.

  7. Hey, I remember the mudmarine nick!

    I wonder how many people we've seen for years we don't realize have new names? You miss one day where the name-changer says "new nick" and you'll be forever confused.
    Smatter of fact, I couldn't figure out comments that have said "so-and-so has posted here for a year" when posts from that nick would date back only a few months. Never even thought of the nick-change possibility.

  8. OK, thanks, Luther, I figured it was the nick you were using at first on DL.

    Yeah, I didn't post much either but I didn't get over there until 2004. LOL, I guess (according to some) I was one of those people who "jumped on the bandwagon" after the Rathergate brouhaha (although, in my own defense, I didn't have a frickin' COMPUTER until 2004 :-).

  9. monkeyweather, that's why my nic-change was such a long and drawn out process.

    I think it took a month or so. :)

  10. in my own defense, I didn't have a frickin' COMPUTER until 2004
    And I bet you didn't say frickin' either :OP

  11. What was it before, AFW? Mine's always been the same. Had to be or I would lose track of who I was.
    All this time I had no idea who Siddartha Vicious was. Too funny! :OD

  12. Well, they'll just accuse you of jumping on the computer bandwagon then, florrie. :)

  13. Oh - that was why it was so funny when I was collectively accused of using sock-puppets.

    I dearly love that BOOL episode.

  14. "Well, they'll just accuse you of jumping on the computer bandwagon then, florrie. :)"

    I know, I can't frickin' win.

    tee hee

    I was traumatized for a while when afw changed her nick. Her avatar and former nick were inexorably entwined in my mind.

    Like DWT and the ballerina guy. They-are-one-and-the-same!

    I wonder where he's been lately? Hope his flu didn't get worse...

  15. And I'd wondered where militarybrat got to!
    This would make a good tv show. You think everyone from the past is gone and ponder what happened to them, but it turns out you just keep knowing the same people with different names! :OD

    Wait...that actually sounds kinda creepy. The tv show would be Twilight Zone if it happened in real life :O&

  16. I know, I can't frickin' win.
    heehee :O)
