Wednesday, January 27, 2010

No Joy - UPDATE: Joy?!

UPDATE: so, how do you say f**k yeah, b1atches in Hindi, I wonder...
(Recent Comments works on IE for me now - and you all?)

I am so filing a bug against Microsoft javascript...

The following is obsolete but is retained for historical interest.
OK, I took another shot at the Recent Comments for Internet Explorer...

..and ran smack into another incompatibility weirdness - what should work, and works fine for everyone else, breaks inexplicably on IE.

I've got enough altitude to take one more shot; I'm betting I can fix it. Maddening, though.


  1. Thanks for your efforts, Lewy, and good luck!

  2. Oh, I can see the 'recent comments' header now whereas I couldn't before.

  3. desi-poseur (that would be moi) at work here folks... please step away from the template, thankyouveddymuch...

  4. lemme know if this works for the IE people.

  5. Working great here, Lewy. Good job and thanks.

  6. And yep, my comment popped up instantly.

  7. Would anyone else like more posts showing on the front page? They seem to roll off too quickly to my mind.

  8. I thanked you on another thread (I'm working my way up the page :-) but will do it again because I'm thrilled to see the current comments in IE.

    lewy rawks.

  9. I saw that Vikram!
    You think I can't find you in Mumbai?
    Oh, btw - nice work.

  10. Luther, I just doubled the number of posts that appear on the front page. Who loves ya, baby! :)

    Lewy, you ROCK!

  11. lady red, all: you're very welcome, and it was my pleasure. (Mostly. Except for Billy G.)

  12. BTW, per Lewy's suggestion, I started another blog to try some things out without gumming up things here without checking them first, such as Echo.

    I don't have anything on it now except a brief welcome. If you have a chance, please leave some comments -- since one of the things we want to check is how old comments import.

    You can find it as

  13. Oh no! We've just started, and we already have a spin-off blog! LMAO!

  14. Vikram did not want me to want me to experiment in the garage out back -- not where anyone can see it.

  15. "Luther, I just doubled the number of posts that appear on the front page. Who loves ya, baby! :)"

    Thanks, lady red; good suggestion, Luther, I like the longer list much better too.
