Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Obama underwrites Brazil's offshore drilling

In Brazil. Not here in the US. In Brazil.
How nice of us to help Brazil this way.

Kinda like the time recently when we gave an auto manufacturer in the US boatloads of money and they went to China with it and built factories. And closed the ones here.

Yep, giving and sharing and caring - that's our government.
And it's extra sweet when you consider how self-sacrificial it is!
The US govt. takes your money and your job and gives it to another country!
Well, I suppose that isn't exactly SELF sacrifice on their part, since they aren't the ones losing money or jobs.
Perhaps I should have called it "nation destroying".
I think Obama just likes Brazil because their logos are so similar:

Ordem E Progresso indeed.


  1. There is another side of the story.

    Still, the idea is that the whole "drilling here bad, drilling there good" needs to get re-evaluated.

  2. Whenever I hear or see "Ordem E Progresso" I mentally translate that to: "I'll have the soup."

  3. HA! Jourdan, it does look like "Order me Progresso!"

    Lewy, I don't know what to make of stories like this. If we have oil (we do), and its legal to drill (it is), and we want jobs (we do), and we have a desire to use products and equipment manufactured in the US (we do), then it would be a lot simpler to underwrite our OWN drilling. That would also be good for our national security. all of which means our government will do no such thing.

    This business of underwriting Brazil's offshore projects? Now why do I have such serious doubts that this will in any way benefit the US in either the short or long term?
    Hmm. Could be because no other decision made by the current administration has done so?
    Our current government isn't in the business of doing anything that works, that creates REAL non-government jobs, that produces wealth and goods and services.
    Oh wait - there are a few bankers and politicians who have had that wealth produced specially for them.
