Saturday, January 23, 2010

For My Friend Florrie

LOL! (Don't shoot me!)


  1. LMAO!! I never thought I'd live to see the say that Dr. Seuss did Black Dog :-)

    Where on earth did you find that, Fay?? I love it!

    (except, they DID misspell Zeppelin...and Seuss...maybe it was Sidd?)

  2. LOL, it's all Matt's fault, I'll leave him to explain!

    He loves "Timmy" Page.

  3. Yeah, I love Timmy too.

    tee hee

    When Tom's dad was staying with us he would call Chaz "Chad". We call him that sometimes when we are thinking of him...

    I was always afraid he would sit on him (Chad, that is :-)
