Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Brangelina together again!

Whew! I will sleep well tonight!
Brangelina were enjoying quality time together in a restaurant as rumours of 'ridiculous split' emerged


  1. I didn't even know they were splitting, monkeyweather. I need to get with the program :-)

    I did hear about this split though. Surprise, surprise.

  2. Thanks, Luther, it worked!

    (after a couple tries in preview)

  3. You must not go to the grocery store, floranista ;O) Why, it's been top news on every rack of chewing gum for the last week!
    It is good to hear this Very Important News, because I thought we might have to see "Branniston" or "Brennifer" on the tabloid shelves from this time forward, and it's been bad enough having to look at Anniston and Brangelina separately these past few decades. Or has it been years? Seems like decades....
