Friday, January 29, 2010

Another American Enters North Korea's Gulags

Robert Park has been "disappeared" into the North Korean gulag system

Robert Park, American missionary

He must have known he was risking death. Quite a thing to do. Most people would just simply say it was a "stupid" thing to do, but he did it because he cares about the North Koreans. No one really does much for them anymore because it is hard to think of what CAN be done, short of storming the country and killing the leaders.
To give an idea of how afraid the North Korean govt is of the bible, there is a group called "Voice of the Martyrs" that floats big square yellow balloons covered in scripture into North Korea via the South Korean border.
When word gets out that there has been a "balloon release", a huge contingent of the North Korean military is mobilized to try and find all the balloons. If it weren't for how horrible North Korea is, I would have a very funny picture in my mind of soldiers scrambling madly in answer to "balloon warning sirens", dashing off to catch balloons.
One of the most famous people ever held in the "revolution zone" of Yodok, 74-year-old Kim Yong-seung, talked about the suffering inflicted on her for the crime of having been a classmate in school and college of Kim Jong-il's long-time mistress, Song Hae-rim, an actress who starred in North Korean films. "I never knew the charge," said Kim Yong-seung, held for nine years in Yodok before her release in 1979.

...prisoners had to get up at 3:30am, get to work in fields or forests or mines by 4:30 am and keep working until nightfall. "Parents and children die there," she said. "We don't have a coffin for the body."

Kim Yong-seung came to know, during months of interrogation before her imprisonment, that her offense was that she had been "a friend of the second wife of Kim Jong-il, and I knew about his private life", but she never faced a court. The need to prevent the slightest knowledge of the Dear Leader's private life was so intense that her closest relatives were also imprisoned. During her years in Yodok she saw both her parents starve to death, one of her sons drown and another son shot while trying to escape. Her husband "disappeared".

The story of the balloons

Covered in the gospel of Mark:

Apparently South Korean Christians also send up other balloons as well. How sneaky, huh? ;O) Just floating stuff into North Korea:


  1. That is just horrible. 9 years imprisonment and hard labor for being an acquaintance of the dear leader's ex??

    I feel so sad for the people living there. I keep hoping Korea could somehow be united, I am sure that's what the majority of S. Koreans want, don't you think? I missed a show last night on the military channel about Korea during the 50's conflict. Hopefully, it will be on again.

    I hope Mr. Park can survive his detention. My first reaction was that he was extremely foolish to do this but then I thought maybe the resulting publicity is the only way that change can eventually be made in PRK. Well, no matter my opinion, he's a brave man.

    On a lighter note, I'm still trying to picture those "square" balloons, monkeyweather...

  2. I agree, Florrie. Sometimes you wonder why people do things like that. But if people are not willing to face things like that, they never will get changed.

    If people are not careful they may find themselves in a country where the President bad-mouths the country's Supreme Court during a speech or something.

  3. That was so disgraceful. It belittled the office, IMO.

  4. I added a photo of the square balloons - I saw one without air in it and they are quite large! It was about 20" on each side. Guess it'd have to be big to fit the whole gospel written in Korean on it.
    The lady who showed me was very funny - tall blonde model-esque lady who happens to be a bible smuggler into China ;O)

  5. It looks like a giant condom.


  6. Cept with BIBLE stuff on it, you shameful hussy!

  7. LMAO! I'm sorry, I'm in stitches! I'm goin' to hell for all this cackling...

  8. does look like a giant condom.

    And not very square either.

    *running away now*

  9. Although I have to say it's a very original idea!

  10. "Although I have to say it's a very original idea!"

    Sending giant condoms into North Korea? Yes. I guess it is!
