Monday, December 19, 2011

Please Tell Me I'm Paranoid

"But, but I don't know anything!"

"Either answer the questions, or just shut up."

"But I don't know."

The interrogator raised a heavy hand, and brought it down hard on my right cheek, again.

"We want the names.  All you damn racist terrorist scum who've been lying about the Our President ever since he was elected.  We want (smack) the (smack) NAMES!!"

"I don't know any names.  They're just people on a blog, like me.  We were only giving our opinions.  It's free speech."

"Not any more, asshole.  To question the decisions, competence or plans of Our President, to make others wonder if he is not completely correct, is classified as Domestic Terrorism."

I felt the blood ooze from a re-opened cut on my cheek, mixing with the tears flowing fom my eyes.

"All right!  Strap him down again!"

"No, God, PLEASE!  I can't breathe, I can't swim, I'll drown!"

"Yeah?  So?  Why would a damn terrorist like you think you deserve any better?"

So, the latest defense appropriation bill has a provision that names the United States mainland as a war zone, and therefore anyone, including American citizens, engaged in domestic terrorism can be killed, detained, and subjected to 'enhanced interrogation' indefinitely, without a trial.

Still sounds OK, I guess, until you realize who has been named as possible terrorists by various current government officials.  Like Tea Partiers, Military Veterans, Owners of Firearms, etc.  We're a dangerous lot, it seems.

Even though the law currently states that only those 'affiliated with Al Queda or associated groups' can be so held, it also provides for  the Secretary of State(?!) at the Request of the Attorney General to name anyone they please as a terrorist.

Natt Hentoff has been warning about this ever since the Patriot Act was first passed.  I was one of those who pooh-poohed the very idea.  Mostly I guess, because I did not think George Bush would do such a thing.

Well, he never did, but then W also never whined about how much easier it would be if he were the Pesident of Communist China.  Does anyone else also think Barry may be taking steps here to make his job easier?


  1. So Hillary Clinton can ask Eric Holder to expand the list. Makes me feel safe, that's for sure.

    Just because you're paranoid does not mean they aren't out to get you.

  2. I'd like to add that recently I saw homeschooling as one of the lists of reasons a person was considered a possible domestic terrorist threat.

    It was one of many reasons, but really? Homeschooling?

    Then again, the German government takes children away when parents homeschool, and it's not the only European country that does so. Apparently it's a threat.

  3. It is a threat to those who want to control the lives of people.

  4. I find it hilarious - not in a good way - that the argument used against homeschool is that it is "indoctrination".

    I'm fine with reporting my curriculum and test scores to the state. I can prove my kids are not only where they should be, but WAY ahead. But the more intrusive measures? Ridiculous.

    I do a better job teaching my kids than the public schools do or would. That is threatening to them, because they don't actually care about the state of my children's education - they care about themselves and their paradigm.

  5. Dances, you're not paranoid but I don't think your scenario is realistic.

    The enemies are real, but the methods will be lower impact (but more insidious).

    Think boa constrictor, not monkey with a rock.

  6. That sent an icy chill down my spine, DWT. Excellent writing! I don't think you're paranoid at all; we should all prepare for what is coming.

    If the Rs run a strong candidate, Barry & Co. will escalate their agenda and tighten their control (boa constrictor. Yep!). JEM won't go quietly. The far left will not give up their insidious, decades-long plan to "fundamentally change" Amerikka; they'll ratchet up the timetable and the pressure, in any way they can.

    I expect trouble, and lots of it.
