Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Give Me an Effing Break

OK, George. If those 400,000 jobs have not gone overseas, then where are they?

And if the American car manufacturers have come back, it wouldn't be because they have dumped unwanted cars on dealers -- members of the 1% you want to tax the snot out of, would it?

If you want to be a flaming moron, go ahead. But don't throw my country onto the same garbage heap that many other countries have been thrown upon in the past to salve your liberal self-hatred.


  1. Wow, this is some lame stuff even by Clooney standards.

    Let's go down the list.

    OBL - check. Yes, an R incumbent would be touting this. Hard to argue this.

    Car companies - sort of. Yes, they would have been bailed out - I don't see McCain letting GM go under. I do think the UAW would not have gotten so cherry a deal though. Regardless, at the end of the day taxpayer money would have been lost, arguably less, but you never know.

    400K jobs a year saved from going overseas? What does this even refer to? What the hell initiative was that? Obviously I'm not keeping up with the propaganda...

    DADT: I don't see this as having huge traction on either side, actually - it shows how mellow 1993 was in comparison, that we had this burning issue to fuss over...

    The fact of the matter is that the progressive case against Obama is a very good case:

    He bailed out the Wall St 1% and screwed the 99%. Record bank bonuses when the banks are foreclosing on everyone! Universal health care is a scam - the insurance companies and big pharma were bought off with our tax dollars, not defeated. He ended one war - started three more! Most transparent administration ever - not! Worse than Bush on civil liberties! Killing civilians with drones like it was a Nintendo game!

    This stuff writes itself.

    Liberals like Matt Taibbi and Glenn Greenwald are doing an awesome job of tearing Obama a new one. Chris Matthews has wandered off the reservation; maybe Rachel Maddow isn't far behind.

    Personally I don't argue ideology with people - Obama supporters simply have no ground to stand on at a liberal dinner party. Just keep pointing out what they themselves would be saying if Obama was a Republican.

    Maybe Ron Paul will run as a third party candidate after all - maybe this is a briar patch we'd like to be thrown into. I see him picking up the Ralph Nader 2000 voters that cost Gore the election.

  2. Please pass the Pepto...I'm feeling nauseous. George Clooney lives on his own pampered little planet. Egads.

    I'd like to see him step into my shoes for a year; he'd change his broken, boring, idiotic, off-key tune if he had to live like us unenlightened peons. Flaming moron is right.

    Lewy, excellent post! I see the left turning on JEM too, and I'm loving every minute of it. Let 'em gouge out each other's eyes and entrails. It'll give the buzzards a tasty snack.

  3. Anti-Republican Crusaders??? LMAO!!!

    What a tool. Stick to something you know, Clooney - making gawd-awful movies.

  4. img:"http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y117/floranista/clooney.jpg"

    Fixed! ;)

    (When I copied Matt's graphic, I love that he had it saved under the file name "Idiot".)

  5. LMAO florrie. Most excellent!

