Friday, February 26, 2010

You'll sleep well tonight knowing who is the object of the Carly Simon song "You're So Vain"

38 years of speculation leads to:
this guy?
Hmmm. I feel kinda let down :OP
The runners up:

(edit: I see this story made it to the cover of Drudge - shows how many people have wondered...WHO IS IT?)


  1. She kept us guessing for over 30 years. I;ve hardly even heard of this guy.

  2. Geffen Records, teamed up IIRC for that Dreamworks team with Speilberg for a while...dunno much else except that he's REALLY rich. And a boring song choice. Bleh.

  3. The guy from Geffen records??
    Man... I am kinda let down... although I never spent much time thinking about that until a moment ago!!!

  4. Naw...David Geffin??? I was SURE it was about Warren Beatty, lol!

    I don't believe it, she must be releasing a new CD and wants to do a little tush-kissing.

    Isn't he, like, 4'3"?

  5. And here all these years I thought the song was about James Taylor! David Geffin? No way!

  6. Isn't he, like, 4'3"?
    Hey, watch it there, girlie! I'll have you know he represents the Lollipop Guild!
