Sunday, January 17, 2010

Too Bad, So Sad

The proposed mega-mosque planned to be built next to the 2012 Olympic Park in London is a no go.


  1. From the article: "The Muslim Council of Britain said that the group had fallen victim to “unfounded hostility and hysteria”."


    London would be insane to allow a 12,000 member radical mosque to be built next to the Olympic Park. I'm glad sanity prevailed.

  2. THIS is the most shocking part;

    "The news comes as the Islamic group Minhaj-ul-Quran releases in Britain a 600-page document condemning terrorism.

    The fatwa, written by Dr Muhammed Tahir-ul-Qadri, a former minister of Pakistan and friend of Benazir Bhutto, declares suicide bombings and terrorism as unIslamic. It is one of the most comprehensive documents of its kind to be published in Britain. Released in Pakistan last month, the fatwa uses texts in the Koran and other Islamic writings to argue that such attacks are “absolutely against the teachings of Islam and that Islam does not permit such acts on any excuse, reason or pretext”."

    I wonder how much longer the cleric who wrote this will live?

  3. And I am still getting a 'Page Not Found'
    error message in place of the recent comments.

    Anyone else having troubles there?

  4. Sidd, let me guess...Firefox? It does it to me occasionally too.

    If the problem gets too irritating, go to IE and download the flashplayer update from Adobe to your hard drive. FF won't allow it through, but IE will.

  5. Sidd, lady red, firefox will allow the Adobe flashplayer update but you have to follow special instructions. There is a guide for FF users on the upload page. Matt just did it for me today and it's working fine.

  6. The fatwa, written by Dr Muhammed Tahir-ul-Qadri, a former minister of Pakistan and friend of Benazir Bhutto

    So right there the guy has no cred with the Deobandi / Wahhabi / Takfiri crew.
