Thursday, February 4, 2021

Beware the person driving the van

Years ago I read a warning to American tourists, especially those traveling to cities in third world countries. There had been reports that Americans would be walking down the street in a large city and street thugs would try and force the tourists into a dark alley where they would be robbed and assaulted. At that very moment, a "Good Samaritan" would drive up in a van and tell the tourist to get in and the driver would help the tourist escape.

As you might imagine, the street thugs were merely the setup people. The person who was really going to rob and injure the tourist was the driver of the van.

Today we have street thugs in the form of the Democratic Party and we have a van driver in the form of the Republican Party.

Japan attacked Pearl. Harbor on Sunday, December 7, 1941. The Japanese signed their unconditional surrender on Sunday, September 2, 1945 -- a span of 1365 days.

As I write this it is Thursday, February 4, 2021. The next Presidential election is Tuesday, November 5, 2024 -- a span of 1370 days. While we were able to defeat the Japanese in a world war  and the Germans in even less time during the same war, we are told that we do not have enough time to get a new party up and running.

We are told that what we should do is reform the Republican Party, to nominate strong candidates who will do what needs to be done to "Make America Great Again," not that anyone in power in the current Republican Party would even dream of using that phrase.

Meanwhile the party is searching high and low for the next wimpy candidate that they can shove down our throats. Today came the news that House Republicans have voted to keep Liz Quisling Cheney in her #3 position in Republican House leadership.

With friends like that, who needs enemies. 

There is a school of thought that says, "I don't mind being beaten, I just don't like losing." In other words, if I give it my best and the other guy beats me, that is one thing. However if I put up a pathetic performance and I lose to a mediocre opponent. than I am upset. The current Republican Party is a bunch of willing losers. They like talking a big game in order to get elected but, for the most part, never deliver on their promises. Any Republican who makes a strong effort to actually deliver is treated like a leper and is ostracized from any position of importance in the party at the first possible moment. Newt Gingrich put forth a good effort as the Speaker in the House in the 1990's but then became a footnote in history. Donald Trump did more to deliver on his promises than any President in recent history with the possible exception of Ronald Reagan but is now being shunned with all the might that GOP leadership can muster.

Meanwhile we are supposed to be happy with soundbites from the latest version of Trey Gowdy the party can dredge up. They may sound good, but they never go anywhere. A nation does not live by soundbites alone. We need action to back up those soundbites.

The problem with third parties can be categorized in one of two ways: 1) a party that represents fringe elements that will never win an executive position or a significant number of legislative seats, or 2) a vanity party started at the last minute by someone who could not get nominated by either the Republicans or the Democrats.

The Democratic Party is a danger to the United States. Currently they are trying to do a purge of the military as have dictatorships in the past. The Republicans are about as useful as the piles found in the middle of cow pastures.

We need to start a new party. Maybe such a party would not win the election in 2024. It is questionable that anyone but a Democrat will ever win a Presidential election again now that Democrats know they  can steal such an election and threaten anyone who questions their victory with social isolation and perhaps, given enough time, prison sentences. Democratic leaders and supporters have already suggested that  people who supported Trump should be "deprogrammed" and have their children taken away. Meanwhile, few in the Republican Party are challenging such rhetoric. Some are even quietly nodding in agreement.

We need to stand up now.


  1. Excellent post Matt. Very good analogy. I disagree however with your statement: It is questionable that anyone but a Democrat will ever win a Presidential election again because once the socialists, oops I mean communists, have fully entrenched themselves there will be NO ELECTIONS!

  2. Before a new party can even be talked about, we need a new news source such as OAN.
    While the interwebs have shown a light on the slithering creatures of the deep state swamp, there needs to be a way to convey that to the portion of the voting population that still believes in the Old Cronkite News sources.

    1. I have wondered whether a modern version of Radio Caroline could be done to provide news while not being subject to governmental interference. The country is too big to be an off shore facility, but some Mexican stations put strong signals into the US. However, they could be subject to pressure from the US government by way of the Mexican government.
