Wednesday, June 11, 2014

HuffPo Hyperventilates


 Internal Poll Showed 34% Cantor Lead... 'Earthquake'... GOP 'In Chaos'... Establishment Has Lost Control... Republican Civil War About To Explode...

REPORT: Cantor To Resign As Majority Leader This Summer... Race To Replace Him Already Begun... Only Jewish Republican In Congress... Did Religion Doom Him?... 'Next Speaker Of The House'... SIN: Supported Immigration Reform... Now It's Dead... Only Obama Can Help Immigrants Now, 'Should Go Big'... 'I Didn't Think There Was Any Room To Cantor's Right, But They Found Some'... Done In By His Own Strategy... Conservatives 'Considered Him A Fraud'... Staff 'The Biggest Bunch Of A**holes On The Hill'... FLASHBACK: Dems' Secret Plan...



  1. Who beat Cantor?

    I'd say Obama and Matt Drudge.

    The combination of executive action and internet coverage over the past couple weeks has been devastating.

  2. So, conservatives who are Israel's biggest supporters voted Cantor out of office because of their anti-Semitism?

    I hope there is a Republican civl war about to begin. We want a Republican Party, not a second Democratic Party.I want Washington D.C. to be a Rino-free zone.

    1. Matt, it has to be said - there is a segment of conservatives who view "Jewish influence" with suspicion. Or worse.

      You have to look no further than Ron Paul (and I'm still not sure where exactly Rand comes down. And that's by design on his part; he tries to play both sides.)

      That said, I don't think that had anything to do with Cantor being defeated.

  3. Whether Ron Paul is conservative I think is up for debate.

    And to say that an area that elected Cantor to 12 terms in Congress didn't vote for him this time because they are anti-Semitic is the same thing as saying the country that elected Barak Obama to two terms as President is racist for disagreeing with his policies.

    I am a bit tired of having to give a group of offended people a pass for incompetence and idiotic stances so as not to appear bigoted. If a politician is not willing to take the consequences for his or her stances than that person should not be a politician. I don't like the idea of giving medals to everyone in children's sports, why should I tolerate it in our nation's leaders?

  4. Matt, I watched the "anti-semitism" spin get spun up in real time - I was up late watching CNBC and saw an exchange between anchor Joe Kernan (who is pretty conservative) and political reporter John Harwood, who dished the idea that Cantor was defeated because he was a Jew.

    Harwood is a long time Dem shill and Obama water carrier. You could tell Kernan could barely conceal his contempt. He pressed Harwood skeptically; Harwood responded that the district had been re-drawn and had become more rural. Implying rural people were more likely to be Jew haters. Lovely. Harwood is such a tool.

    I'd recommend reading this WaPo article. It's actually pretty good and reviews the redistricting, which did happen, and the fact that the addition of New Kent county (which does look pretty rural - and nice, btw) did hurt Cantor. But not because he was Jewish.

    The Republican establishment / base rift continues. Nice article about how Cantor wasted five million bucks. If Cantor wastes his own money like this, how do you think he's going to treat ours?

  5. I am distressed that whether Cantor is Jewish or Black Meo Laotian is even brought up. It implies an underlying ugliness across a wide field of political types. Racism really has not been slightly defeated has it?

    For the record, from what I've read, the guy who defeated Cantor deserves his place. Just how and why was this anti-Semitic nonsense come from?

    1. Damn. We need an edit feature. I think my intent is clear anyway. Pbbbfftt.
