Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Another Good Man

Wow, there sure are some great people combing to prominence in the Republican Party, such as Allen West and Benjamin Carlson.

Another fine man is coming to prominence: E.W. Jackson. Listen to this man's speech at the Virginia State Republican Convention last May. Jackson is running for the position of Lt. Governor. Very inspiring.


  1. Wow, he's a real firecracker!

    I am not an African America Most excellent, thank you Matt.

  2. He rocked it! Got a lot of that Southern Baptist Preacher thing going.

    Of course, we all know he's just an Uncle Tom, right? At least, when he continues beyond the Lt. Governor position, that is how he will be portrayed.

  3. Angry black men can be... totally awesome!

  4. Dear United States,
    I'd like to make a request.
    Please could we in the UK borrow Mr. E.W.Jackson for a couple of years to help rid us of our useless, corrupt and highly intrusive Government? We are in desperate need of his righteous fire to cleanse our Parliament of the stench of leftist 'liberalism'.
    Selsey Steve

  5. Steve, thank you for your interest, however, on behalf of America, I must respond with a firm "NO!!!!"

  6. Yes, very inspiring and rousing speech, Matt. I'm so glad to see more black Americans espouse the principles I heartily believe in. I hadn't heard of this man before, I hope he wins Lt. Gov. but know it will be an uphill climb. Terry McCauliffe is leading in the polls there, sadly. It would be difficult having that snake-in-the-grass as your boss...
