Friday, May 4, 2012

Life of Riley Julia

Election campaign FAIL!

More here.


  1. Might as well get used to it. The whole Dem campaign will be straw man/woman centered, with as many distractions as they can muster as well. Reality is not their forte.

    As for the most recent "accomplishment" of Herr Obama, the "agreement" with Afghanistan's President Karzai, is a joke. It is set to be implemented in 2014 ... and Karzai is set to step down in 2014. There is NO "Treaty" between sovereigns, not even a SOFA agreement, it is all, 100% of it a bag of flatulence, and one full of hole too boot. Only thing less meaningless is a blank sheet of paper.

    No wonder, then, he needs "Julia" to follow on after Mz Fluke and Mz Rosen. You can't grill "Julia" eh?

  2. Next, heard in some corners, is this: how soon before ole Joe Biden is tossed under the bus and Hillary Clinton chosen as the VP nominee for 2012? Desperation can make for some strange partners. Consider now that Drudge is headlining that Biden is now excluded from campaign meetings, and that Slick Willie is aboard the fund raising train for the Jug Eared Messiah.

    Oh look! SQUIRREL!

    Hi, Hillary.
