Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Update - Solus Rex

For those of you who are interested I have the details of where condolences can be sent to his parents (I won't publish them on line). Please email me if you would like the details. I am going to add his real name and dates in the memorial on the side and also his hebrew name for anyone who wants to pray for him.


  1. Fay. I don't know your email address.

    Thank you for staying on top of things.

    Why is it that the best die young.

  2. No problem Luther, I just emailed you.

  3. Just 39 years.

    Fay, I've emailed you for the information

  4. Thank you Fay. You are truly a treasure.

  5. Aw Jeebus H ... I apologize for posting the Romney post on this thread. This "new" system is kicking my behind at times. I can't even delete it as "anonymous" ... someone who can please do...both of them.
