Thursday, October 14, 2010


Canadian cinemas are in their second month of twelve; airing one classic movie a month. The first, last month, was Casablanca. Although Matt and I have seen Casablanca several times each and own the Blu-ray DVD, neither of us had seen it on the big screen before. If you get the chance, we recommend the big screen experience of Casablanca.

Last night we saw the second film, Psycho. Like many, I'm sure, I had preconceived notions of this film having seen the shower scene numerous times. But I had never seen the whole movie, didn't know the story or the plot or the other characters.

To say I "enjoyed" this movie is an understatement. If you haven't seen it; do. It is sexy, suspenseful, scary, and enthralling. Janet Leigh is beautiful, Anthony Perkins is charming, and Hitchcock's direction is pure Hitchcock.

Highly recommended. On the big screen if possible.


  1. Ahh, now I realize why you asked had I seen this! Actually, after my first traumatic experience watching it (I was 7 or 8), I've seen it several times. Janet Leigh IS beautiful, she has aged beautifully also, in my opinion. I thought of her the other day with the passing of Tony Curtis (who I never before realized had married 6 times!!!).

    You and Matt are lucky that the local cinema is showing these classics on the big screen. I love most classics; the only ones I have never warmed up to are the comedies (Marx Bros., Laurel and Hardy, Chaplin, WC Fields, etc.) ((that last one is particularly freaky as Tom has always thought Bill Clinton looks just like him and whenever he appears on the boob tube I get "my little chickadee", hardy har har)).

  2. Please. Stop me.

    I now realize the birthday tee I got my sister applies to me - "Be nice to old people. We have stories and we aren't afraid to tell them."

    As if that's not bad enough, I had it in my head that annie had first posted about it on DL so I emailed her for a link to the co. that sells them. She emailed me back with a kind and gentle explanation and link which led to ME first posting about it!!!

    I blame the drugs from the late 60's, early 70's.

  3. LOL florrie!

    Never mind, you'll always have little "Timmy Page" lol.

  4. "Marx Bros., Laurel and Hardy, Chaplin, WC Fields, etc."

    I hear you. Cannot watch any of them. Not funny. At all.

  5. Timmy Page, ROFLMAO!

    Fay, he looks wonderful and so much more dignified now that he's quit dying and perming his hair. I wish Robert Plant would take a cue from Jimmy as he (Robert) looks just ghastly.


    Am I right?

    OK, time for RedEye...goodnight for reals!

  6. Robert Plant at least has options. Old school rockers have a style path (see, e.g., Eric Clapton, Bon Jovi, etc).

    WTF is Marylin Manson going to do at 64? Just how the hell does his "style" age gracefully, eh?

  7. I did not need a picture of Marylin Manson at 64. Actually, it's comedy gold. :)

    The original Psycho is awesome, they should have never tried to remake it. There are some things that just can't be improved upon.

  8. Fay, is it one particular chain that is showing the classics? It's a great idea! But I haven't seen anything like that on offer at our local Cineplex Odeon.

  9. "WTF is Marylin Manson going to do at 64? Just how the hell does his "style" age gracefully, eh?"

    Haahahah, great point, lewy.

  10. Hi Lyana, it's Cineplex country wide. Here is the link. You should be able to find a cinema near you that's showing the series. Psycho is playing again on Oct 31st.

  11. "Timmy Page, ROFLMAO!"

    Did Matt ever tell you the story behind that?

  12. A story! Yay!

    I'll make popcorn while Matt is tuning his voice. :)

  13. Thanks for the link Fay! I'll check it out.

  14. I just figured that in my senility I had typed Timmy Page somewhere on TCKT :-)

    I'd love to hear the story though...

  15. "Am I right?"

    Of course you are.

    There is growing old gracefully and then there's this:


  16. "WTF is Marylin Manson going to do at 64?"

    When I first saw that I thought, oh dear, lewy14 has lost his marbles. Marilyn Monroe's been dead for decades.

  17. Matt read all the Psycho trivia and told me that on set, Hitchcock called Anthony Perkins:

    Master Bates


  18. OMG, that is hilarious. Of course, Hitchcock was a lecherous, egotistical old geezer.

  19. Ew. That picture of Steven Tyler makes me think of the character Buffalo Bill in Silence of the Lambs.


    And is that Courtney Love? What a couple.

  20. Not Courtney Love (she wishes she looked so good, LOL).

    It's Steve's GF, Erin Brady. Lucky her!

  21. "Hitchcock was a lecherous, egotistical old geezer. "

    And in other news....


  22. Of course, Hitchcock was a lecherous, egotistical old geezer.

    Jeez, flo, you say it like it's a bad thing... ;)

    What's most impressive about Steven Tyler's appearance: that at his age, he's survived so many chest waxes without having a heart attack...

  23. It looks like he gets more than his chest waxed. Ouch.

  24. What do they call a Brazilian for boys, I wonder...

  25. Not a good thing to google. Wow. Suddenly it's very warm in here. ;))

  26. Wow. Very cool that they're showing some classics on the old big screen. The local library had run a few series in the past where they showed a handful of classic movies on a (not quite so big) big screen. Never made it to any, sadly.

    As for Psycho- it's one of the few Hitchcock movies that I haven't seen for some reason. Don't know why. Quite a few years ago I set out on a quest to rent every Hitchcock film; saw about 20 or so, but never got to Psycho or The Birds. I must have been working through the list chronologically...

  27. I wish Robert Plant would take a cue from Jimmy as he (Robert) looks just ghastly.

    That's Robert Plant? I though Anthony Hopkins had grown his hair way out...

  28. Alphie, my mother was permanently scarred by The Birds. Truly.

  29. Yikes, I friggin hate birds they scare the life outta me.

    I saw the movie until the first birds sighting then I could watch no more.

    Even the posters from that movie make me shudder.

  30. Alphie, you HAVE to see Psycho. It's the scariest, creepiest movie ever made! It's great!

    The Birds? Terrifying. As in screaming with your arms crossed in front of your face. As in hiding behind your couch and not going outside for a few days. As in developing a nervous facial tick whenever a wren swoops down on the birdfeeder. *shudder*

  31. I watched Blackmail a few months back. That is Hitchcock's first sound movie. The thing I liked best in the movie is that it had an aerial shot of a place on the Thames that I recognized from our visit to London last year -- we had tea there.

    It was neat being there long enough to be able to recognize stuff. Fay has been watching Lay and Order: UK. She got a real kick out of a street scene close to our hotel. She recognized a couple of stores and said, "They'll be coming to the Underground station next." And they did.

  32. Fay has been watching Lay and Order: UK.

    Boy, it's truly impressive how those Brits can take anything and make it perverted.

    : P

  33. "Fay has been watching Lay and Order: UK."

    Probably a bit risque for American broadcast TV, but maybe it will play on one othe pay-per-view channels.

  34. I am happy to liven things up a but for you.

  35. a bIt for you. It's the "Post Comment" button that does it. Honest!

  36. LOL!

    At least when you do'em you do'em good :))

  37. I am happy to liven things up a but for you.

    Matt, yer killin' me here! LMAO!

  38. Alphie, you HAVE to see Psycho. It's the scariest, creepiest movie ever made! It's great!

    Okay, I'll make a note to check out Psycho- and The Birds- the next time they're on, or available on demand. Anything that has scared the BYLs of TKCT (and scarred afw's mother) has to be good.

  39. I am happy to liven things up a but for you.


  40. I saw The Birds when it first came out. The scene of the guy on his kitchen floor was a hum-dinger, for sure.

    BTW, I have taken Fay to see the schoolhouse where the birds attack the children.

  41. My older sister STILL gets nervous when she sees birds congregating on the power lines, lol!

    Matt, you couldn't plan better typos than that :-)
