Sunday, June 13, 2010

All The News That We Allow You to Print

I am tempted to say that the mainstream press deserves what is happening to them.  Decades of pure left-wing advocacy, and obvious lying has left them with tiny audiences, and disappearing readership has left them on the edges of bankruptcy.

Worse yet is that the rise of the alternative media has caused a great deal of worry among those who were used to the support of the ever-less-relevant old media, to the point that plans are being made to tax and eventially nationalize the press, a la Iran, Venezuela, and essentially every other third-rate, third-world dictatorship.

Meet Robert McChesney,  self-professed neomarxist media scholar and the founder of the (Orwellian named)lobbying group and think tank Free Press, and whose thoughts and plans seem to be resonating loudly in Obama's  FTC.

1 comment:

  1. I think the Obama administration has been gearing up to find ways of controlling the internet.

    If he pushes the American people to the breaking point, I hope he does not expect too much support from the military -- the way he has treated them.
