Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Debt Crisis

Gary North (of the Daily Reckoning) posted this about a year ago. It is, as he described,
"A Low-Budget, 4-Minute Video Makes the Strongest Case I Have Seen for the Magnitude of This Crisis"
He goes on to say:
This is an ad. I have never seen a more powerful video ad. It merely promotes a web site. How it promotes it!
This video drives home a point: we have entered a new era. We have just barely entered it. Our world will not be the same for much longer.
This is what a home-brew video can do. After seeing it, you may have doubts about the financial media. They never explained things this way.
I am opening this to the public. It is that important.


  1. That certainly puts things into perspective, doesn't it? We need to elect a new breed of conservative government leaders to reign in this mess.

  2. Yeah, we need to clean out the House and the Senate of fake "conservatives" like Newt Gingrich (anyone remember the Contract with America?) and get some new uncorrupted blood in them both. Get rid of as many incumbents as possible and don't vote for anyone who is clearly financed by Wall Street entities or anything like them.

  3. Why blame just Wall Street? How about the farmers and their subsidies? And what has the Federal Government done to help higher education? By making it easier to get more people into college has resulted in making college give the education that high school used to give -- in other words, the system has just dumbed-down.

    The important thing is to realize that the Treasury is not a bottomless trough of money. The only reason I am willing to give Social Security a break is because people pay into it, and they should at least get out what they put in.

    MW, what do you have against the Contract with America? There were good things in that, and the Republicans set out to accomplish what they could. While they may not have been able to deliver on everything, they did try – as opposed to promising something then not doing anything about it. Nor did the CwA just hand out money to people. It cleaned up such things as the House Post Office and the House Bank.

  4. Well, I've been working, the last few days, on a new horror story for this coming Hallowe'en (appearances to the contrary, I do actually put a lot of thought into my stories).

    But Nothing I Could Write (Hell, Nothing I Could Imagine) is more frightening than what I just saw in this video.

  5. "I do actually put a lot of thought into my stories."

    I don't think anyone would ever think you do your writing off the cuff. From what I have seen, your way of writing has always gotten the praise of many.

  6. what do you have against the Contract with America?
    Nothing atall, Matt. What I have is against the complete failure of those elected under that contract to fulfill it.

  7. MW, the reason I asked was because I was under the impression that the contract was made in good faith. The Republicans did not have a supermajority, and were not able to pass everything they had promised. The point is that they put those promises on the table -- unlike a current President who shall remain anonymous. That is different than the current Democratic supermajority that cannot pass what they want, and still blame it on the Republicans -- who are in no position to stop anything, even if they wanted to.

    You are right. We need a new kind of Representative who will allow Freedom to occur as it should. We need people who will deliver what is needed, rather than what sounds good enough to get them elected.

  8. Matt, I really wonder if we need to sift through candidates, and if it looks like the candidate has a suspiciously large amount of campaign financing - way more than other candidates? Vote for one of the poor guys instead. A twist on "follow the money". Like, yeah - follow it. Then run away.
    We need plain old ordinary citizens, not political nobility. They've had their run and managed to screw up everything they touched (while increasing their own wealth).
