Friday, January 22, 2010

Breaking: Britain Raises Terror Alert

The terror alert in Britain has just been bumped up a notch. It's now at "Severe", which means that a terrorist attack is highly likely.

"I would urge the public to remain vigilant and carry on reporting suspicious events to the appropriate authorities and to support the police and security services in their efforts to consider those involved in terrorism."

It's only a matter of time, isn't it? Stay watchful, Cousins!


  1. I just heard on Fox that there's a conference on Afghanistan coming up next week. It's being held in London.

  2. To the Brits, hold tight, be vigilant, and look around you at those who both support this violence and undermine your culture at the same time.

    THEN, go and vote for those who want to bring a bit of sanity back to your nation.

  3. Sidd, as much as I agree with your sentiments, the native born Brits are doing a splendid job of undermining their (and my) own culture and proud history. Enabled and encouraged by possibly the worst British Government ever.

    If Britain doesn't vote out NuLabour this year, all hope is lost. And yes, I do believe that.

    I will be posting a story later that exemplefies all that is the most rotten about socialist Britain. It pains my soul that this particular story is only one of many.

  4. I'm afraid the only thing that will do it, there and here, are a few more nasty wake-up calls.

  5. Excellent comment, Sidd.

    I hope it's not too late to bring about much-needed change.
