Sunday, June 26, 2016

Justice For LaVoy?

We might get some accountability regarding the cowardly murder of LaVoy Finicum by FBI thugs.
The federal investigation into an FBI agent's apparent firing of gunshots at Robert "LaVoy" Finicum and the alleged FBI tampering with evidence at the scene has gone to a grand jury.
Here's the slow-motion video of the botched ambush and murder of Finicum with his hands in the air.


  1. The FBI Hostage Rescue team continues its tradition of recuing no hostages, but being there for the killing of citizens.

    I am too cynical to think there will be justice done in this case, even after a grand jury hearing

    1. If nothing is going to be done they better get it (not) done in a hurry. If they don't, there may be a new sheriff in town next January.
