Thursday, September 11, 2014

Has it come to this?

Scary times indeed.


  1. I'm sorry this has happened to him, but after the experience Noah and I had with the progressive machine, I'm not surprised at all. I've never heard of "political insurance". Sounds more like extortion to me.

  2. If they can't shut you down as such, they will make it too expensive for you to do it. Scarey times.

  3. What lady red and Matt said. Usually nothing the government does to "we the people" surprises me but I was floored with what happened to Bill.

    It's going to take "the people" to put things right...

  4. "They" can certainly shut you up...if you want to work, if you want to do business, if you want to be left in peace. "They" are ice-cold, ruthless, and will step on anyone who doesn't publicly support their agenda. Patriots have, and will, pay a high price for their defense of freedom and our Constitution. Bill Whittle has now been targeted. Keep him in your prayers.
