Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Sense from Down Under


  1. Yes, he's right. "Us Jews" won't just lie down and die anymore.

  2. Bravo, I am bolstered by hearing so many voices against the utter evil of these islamists.

    Amen to that, Fay. Whatever it takes. TY for posting this, Matt.

  3. It's so important to show Hamas telling their people to become "martyrs" and ignore the Israeli warnings.

    Too bad the news never shows this stuff.

    1. I'm pretty sure Anne's blog has this stuff in spades. May be we should forward it to MSM.

      You may say I'm a dreamer.................

    2. I do. Over and over in post after post. But I'm preaching to the choir. As you say, we've got to forward it to the MSM. And tell your neighbours and colleagues and fellow church-goers and shop-workers etc.

  4. FNC shows it but I'm willing to bet they are the only ones.

    1. In fact the MSM are beginning to wake up, slowly. Even the BBC has published an article questioning Hamas's statistics about "civilian" casualties. I almost fell off my chair!

      BUT - the smear has been done, the mud has stuck and Israel is left with the stench. Ask any man in the street in a year or two "what happened in Sejaiya", he'll say "Israel committed a massacre". Ask "what happened in the UN school in Bet Hanoun" and he'll say "Israel bombed the school and killed 10 children".

      It's like asking today what happened in Jenin. The answer will be "Israel committed a massacre there".

      With the MSM, the main thing is to smear Israel first, ask questions later, if at all.

  5. The situation has now spread from beyond the MSM to governments themselves. Dear old perfidious Albion (UK) who has threatened to embargo arms shipments to Israel if the ceasefire collapses - never mind that the ceasefire will only collapse if Hamas fires first! So they're basically giving a free pass to Hamas to commit genocide. That's what it amounts to.

    And then your dear old State Dept. has now confirmed that it is "reviewing" transfers of Hellfire missiles to Israel - on orders from the Overlord Obama himself. The Pentagon is mystified at the intervention - that should tell you something.

    You can read all about it on my blog. I am so FURIOUS I am almost physically steaming.

    I feel literally physically sick at the betrayal.

  6. I don't think Obama and his mouthpiece Kerry will have the cojones to do that, annie. I pray not. I think they will "review" to pacify their nut-job lefties but they won't take any action.

    However, I'm not surprised at the UK threats. I was just reading on Breitbart this morning that Muhammed is the most popular boys name in Great Britain. And wasn't it a British rapper who was photographed holding up a severed head recently?

    It all makes me physically ill as well.
