Sunday, October 16, 2011

Occupy Reality!

The best comment I've seen yet on the Occupy Idiocy movement.

Kurt Schlichter, in The Washington Examiner.


  1. From DWT's link:

    Our troops likely don't give any thought at all to these spoiled adolescents. But if they did, they might suggest that if these Occupy Wall Street losers really wanted to fight injustice and build a better world, they would get a haircut, head to a recruiting station and occupy a pair of combat boots.

    Amen to that.

  2. At Last, what the OWS Clowns have been pushing for:

    "In a message posted Thursday on (The American Nazi Party) official website, organization head Rocky Suhayda said members of the “pro-white” movement should join and support the Occupy demonstrators because they share a common enemy: The “judeo-capitalist banksters.”

    Suhayda said though many “racialists” are concerned about the demonstrations because the “many protesters are non-white and/or ‘communists,’” that shouldn’t matter because they are all against the same “evil, corrupted, degenerate capitalist elitists.”

    Suhayda’s full message follows:

    Many racialists are unsure about, and even against, these Occupy Wall Street protests all around the country. It has been pointed out to me that many protesters are non-white and/or “communists.” Well my answer to that is: “WHO CARES?!” They are against the same evil, corrupted, degenerate capitalist elitists that WE are against! Instead of screaming, “6 million more!” The pro-white movementites should be JOINING this Occupy movement and supporting it!

    Seriously people, just WHO is our enemy? The unemployed left-wing 25-year-old holding up a sign, OR the judeo-capitalist banksters who swindled the American taxpayers out of A TRILLION dollars in the “bailout” scam AND continue to oppress the White Working Class?!? Even Adolf Hitler’s NSDAP had to vote with open communists on some issues to achieve their goals. WE need to utilize and support every movement of dissent against this evil American empire, regardless of which end of the political spectrum it originates from."

    With thanks to The Blaze.

  3. Would it be a stretch of pronunciation rules to make 'OWS clowns' sound like assclowns?

  4. By embracing nazi goons and Jew-haters, aren't these idiots sinking their own boat? Are they smart enough to care?

  5. Tragically, graduates of Ivy League universities brandishing master's degrees in minority women's studies are not getting jobs that pay enough to service their $150,000 student loans. Who could have seen that coming?

    That is the $1,000,000 paragraph. These people just do not see that life can be a struggle. It is when people work together to make sure that people work together for the common good and benefit in the meantime that things get better for the most people. Do they ever wonder why they have never really been hungry? I doubt it. They are too busy getting their "Isn't this an awful county?" degrees to stop and think why they are well fed or why they have not disappeared in the middle of the night.

    I had the pleasure of spending time with my son this weekend. While many of my gray hairs have his name on them, I can rest easy knowing that, in the long run, I did OK.

  6. Best thing I've read on the subject, Dances, thank you so much for finding it and posting.

    I know you've all heard me complain before but, once again, where are the Code Pink protests? Why aren't they camped out in Martha's Vineyard when Obama goes on vacation? Where is Michael Moore's montage of Obama's face, comprised of the war dead? Where is Bill Maher's outrage at the increased drone strikes, of which a recent one killed an American citizen? Where is Wolf Blitzer's nightly "death count"?

    Liberals are hypocritical and delusional. Pelosi, Obama, et al, jumping on the bandwagon of this stupid protest is just the latest example.

    15 more months.

  7. Would it be a stretch of pronunciation rules to make 'OWS clowns' sound like assclowns?



  8. I had the pleasure of spending time with my son this weekend. While many of my gray hairs have his name on them, I can rest easy knowing that, in the long run, I did OK.

    That's wonderful, Matt.

  9. What comes out is a confused hash of gripes about their banks, complaints about their student loans, and whining about the quality of their jobs.

    I'm thinking back to the "social justice" protests in Israel these past couple of months and comparing the two protests. Although there was some criticism of the Israeli protests, and a lot of wariness from the right since it appeared the leftist New Israel Fund was financing the protests, it was accepted that there was also a large kernel of truth in the protests plus much understanding from across the political spectrum throughout the population.

    The reason is that the protestors came from all sectors of society, not just the left or students. There were religious, secular, right wing, left wing, urban townies and hilltop settlers, students and professionals.

    And they didn't just moan about how terrible everything is, or the blight of capitalism - although that was present too. They came armed with a list of demands - but realistic demands - and the basis of a plan for the government to work with. That showed they were serious, not just juvenile whiners (though there those amongst them too), and the government took up the challenge. Now the nitty gritty is being dealt with, along with the usual arguments and accusations. But the feeling is that the protestors had a valid point and it is being addressed.

    I guess being surrounded by mortal enemies concentrates the mind, even of student protestors. The OWS idiots should try living in Israel for a while. On the other hand, not such a good idea. They'd probably end up supporting the terrorists in Gaza or some such...

  10. I walked around the #occupy protest area in Portland today.

    They're encamped in a 2 block park downtown. Very depressing.

    Most of the signage and rhetoric I encountered was far out class war bolshevism claptrap, with liberal (heh) helpings of anti-"zionist apartheid" nonsense thrown in. Awesome. Very little informed anti-Wall St stuff - the enemy is capitalism and rich people.

    There was a volunteer sign-up station, and a medical station - I didn't see a "kitchen" off hand, but there may be one... the stations I did see looked like they were staffed with professional type people - who looked like they slept in a bed last night and showered this morning, so they weren't part of the protest per se. I could be wrong, this was just my impression.

    One thing I will give the protesters - there were quite a few signs to the effect that this was a protest, not a party, and that alcohol and drugs were not welcome in the camp. I didn't see any obviously messed up people; no reefer stench in the air.

    I'd classify roughly half the protesters as idiot kids. The other half... seemed to be just homeless people. Not the mentally ill / substance abusing kind, either. Just people who have nothing left but their tents and sleeping bags. I've seen these people for some time around the city - they come to Portland because they're tolerated and the climate is _relatively_ mild - and I think they've congregated in one spot.

    I tend to think these folks are going to be camped out here for a long time - they're getting fed and looked after to some extent. Someone is paying for this - it will be interesting to try to trace the support. The tents are very, very dense on the ground and the tarps are overlapping - it won't be comfortable but it's survivable for the winter.

    It would for sure take literally hundreds of police to roll up and evict the protesters - and I'm not certain the city government has the stomach for that. I'm pretty sure it doesn't. The protesters will destroy the park but the truth is they aren't obstructing the business of the city - they're sufficiently out of the way.

    And while the city has a liberal streak, it also has a decent bit of entrepreneurial hustle.

    There will be plenty of tattooed, magenta haired girls who tend bar or bag groceries - or write code! - who absolutely will not be 100% down with the tattooed, magenta haired girls who are preaching class struggle.

    But like I said, I think that there are plenty of actual homeless folks at the protest. They will be hard to evict if for no other reason than they honestly have no better place to go than a tent in the park, even in January. I wouldn't count on the weather ending this, at least here.

    Obviously since this community - and I have to give them that, it looked pretty cooperative - are my new neighbors, I'll be keeping an eye on things.
