It's spring, the day after Pesach, so what do pro-Palestinian terror-supporting "activists" do to celebrate? Why, they plan a "fly-in" to Israel - a flytilla - along the lines of the various flotillas that tried to "break the siege" of Gaza, and similar to the one organized (and which similarly fizzled) last summer.
The aim of the flytilla is two-fold: to get to Palestinian territory and cause disruption there, and to cause as much disruption as possible to Israel's Ben Gurion airport and the innocent travelling public along the way. As CiFWatch's fact sheet on the flytilla, it's supporters, sponsors and participants states:
According to the organisers, the project is part of the “challenge to Israel’s illegal siege of Palestine”, with their publicity stating that:In addition, CiFWatch has published an excellent and very detailed report by Hadar Sela.
“There is no way into Palestine other than through Israeli control points. Israel has turned Palestine into a giant prison, but prisoners have a right to receive visitors.In 2011 the Palestine Justice Network launched a campaign entitled the ‘One State Initiative’ which rejects the internationally accepted route of negotiations leading to a two-state solution in order to end the Arab-Israeli conflict. Thus, ‘Air Flotilla 2′ represents another campaign designed to lead ultimately to an externally imposed ‘one state solution’ which would entail the dismantling of Israel as a Jewish state and an end to Jewish self-determination.
Welcome to Palestine 2012 will again challenge Israel’s policy of isolating the West Bank while the settler paramilitaries and army commit brutal crimes against a virtually defenceless Palestinian civilian population.”
Provocation and bad public relations for Israel are also part of the underlying motive of the project, as expressed by organizer Jaques Neno when he told potential participants at a meeting in Paris last January that should they end up being arrested, “you have won because when Israel puts you in prison it shows how it becomes more and more fascist”.
It would also appear that these "activists" chose today specifically because it is one of Israel's busiest travel days, with tourists and travellers entering and leaving Israel after the Pesach and Easter holidays.
So far however, it seems that the flytilla has been another of those spectacular fizzles that give us such an overdose of schadenfreude. The Times of Israel reports that European airlines have cancelled the tickets of around 100 flytilla participants at the request of Israel:
A coordinator of a mass fly-in of pro-Palestinian activists into Israel’s main airport says airlines have canceled flights for at least 100 people.UPDATE: Even Israel's newest adversary Turkey has prevented activists from boarding planes to Israel.
Amira Musallam said Saturday that activists notified her via email that Lufthansa, EasyJet and Air France canceled the flight reservations of some suspected activists. Israel Radio reported that British Airways has done the same.
Public Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovich has called the activists “provocateurs” and said they are bent on disturbing the public order.
Israel reportedly sent no-fly lists to foreign airlines and warned them to bar persona non grata or foot the bill for deporting them.
Authorities are paying particular attention to flights arriving from England, France, Belgium and Turkey, as most of the international activists are expected to arrive from these countries.Nine activists who did manage to make it through to Israel were arrested on arrival at Ben Gurion airport.
Turkish authorities were actively preventing activists from getting on flights from Istanbul, according to reports on Twitter.
Israel Radio reported that 100 activists in Geneva and seven in Rome were prevented from boarding their flights by authorities.
Ynet adds that Israel has deported several activists who arrived in Israel, whereas activists who have been refused travel permission are staging a protest at Paris' Charles de Gaulle airport.
And the Guardian (of course) records the outrage of some British would-be participants in the flytilla who had their tickets cancelled - for which the price will NOT be refunded:
Israel has forced low-cost airline to cancel the tickets of three women from Manchester intending to travel to Bethlehem via Tel Aviv this weekend for a gathering of pro-Palestinian activists.Of course! It's the Zionist entity's far-reaching tentacles that can reach deep into the British aviation industry. It doesn't occur to the stupid woman that no airline will allow known trouble-makers to travel on their aircraft if they have been informed beforehand by the destination country that these people will be denied entry and that the airline will be considered responsible for repatriating these people. Has she never heard of the American no-fly list for example? informed the women by email that the airline would refuse to carry them and no refund would be paid. The move follows pressure on airlines from Israel to ban known activists.
One of the women, retired nurse Norma Turner, said had caved in to pressure. "It never crossed my mind that Israel could stop people with British passports leaving British airports," she told the Guardian.
Turner concludes:
"Every country has the right to control its own borders. But to stop us leaving British shores just shows the extent of Israel's power and influence."What a nasty statement, implying a sinister Israeli "influence" over British travel. She admits that every country has the right to control its own borders but seems to deny that right to Israel. Israel has not stopped her from leaving Britain. They just won't let her enter Israel.
To top off the feel-good moment (which I hope will continue throughout the day), the Israeli government has produced a letter to be handed to any and all activists who do arrive in Israel (h/t Israel Matzav for the full text). I really and truly hope this is not a spoof. :-) (Click to enlarge).
Let's hope this flytilla fizzle continues to sputter and die out fast.
Via Israel Matzav, Ynet reports that only 3 activists actually reached Bethlehem. LOL!
ReplyDeleteExcept of course it isn't really that funny. These blithering idiots and terror-supporters managed to tie up Israel's police and intelligence for the better part of a whole day, not to mention all the preparations for weeks beforehand.
Thanks annie, I wanted more people to see this post.
ReplyDeleteAnd I repeat here the comment I made at your blog:
“prisoners have a right to receive visitors”
Tell that Gilad Shalit when you get to Israel, idjit.
LOL at your title annie. This whole post is brilliant.
“had their tickets cancelled – for which the price will NOT be refunded”
It doesn’t get much better than that!
“Have a nice flight” LMAO :) )
I love the letter, and I love the fact that most countries, and airlines seem to have honored Israel's request.
ReplyDeleteI hate the fact that it had to be done, however, as that simply shows the hatred and stupidity of so many.
I hope that Israel forwards their list to US authorities, so these fools can be added to the 'no-fly' lists in this country as well, though I am not certain that the TSA under the current administration would do so.
Unless of course, the 'activists' were elderly women or handicapped children in wheelchairs. Or hot babes.
The letter is fantastic. One of the most distressing things about working for the State Dept. is seeing close up that our diplomatic culture will not allow for any spirited defence of our country. We smile and smile and take it, and the most we do is pronounce it "unhelpful." (The one exception I have seen in recent years was Amb. Rice's fantastic decision to lead the U.S. delegation out of the UNGA during the Iranian speech; I cannot emphasize enough how this is just not done by the U.S.).
ReplyDeleteWhen I make minor suggestions that perhaps we should stand up for ourselves, I am always told that we are demonstrating leadership by rising above.
I'm not so sure. After all, what would you call a man who repeatedly took insults without responding at your workplace?
Jourdan refers to: ...spirited defense of our country
DeleteI agree with his criticism of the official ambivalence. Now, let me show you my newest hero, IDF Lt Col Shalom Eisner, exhibiting some "spirited defense" to a snot nosed whiny Dane "activist" who seems to think the laws of other countries do not apply to him...that a man in uniform with a gun in hand is to be dithered with when a situation is tense. Whoops. So sad :D [snort giggle]
Now here is a bit more unvarnished detail on the incident.
Anyone notice how many of these "protesters" are speaking (screaming, wailing, moaning, etc.) in clear unaccented English? Talk about a squishy hippie set-up media event ... with a good bit more whack-a-mole than they bargained for...made my whole day yesterday. :-))
This wonderful post certainly boosted my spirits!! Oh, how I hope that letter is legit! And I am very happy that some of these fools from Britain will NOT get refunds for their tickets.
ReplyDeleteGreat written commentary, annie, I sure enjoy reading your thoughts.
I pray that some of these useful idiots have an awakening and see the truth in that letter (which is blatantly obvious to any thinking, caring, individual).
I've watched that video a few dozen times now, and it tickles me every time. Love how right after the smack down, the crowd is very leery of the colonel and actually runs back away from him. Works for me.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, where do people from other lands get the idea they can go to Israel (or anywhere else actually) and just do whatever they please in the belief the authorities, civil police or military, can do nothing to stop them?
News flash to the "activists" ... I've lived, worked, and fought, in other countries and I can tell you first hand, your theory is full of it.
You hippie dicks want some real fun, go to South Korea and try to by-pass or push past a KNP (Korean national Police) dude somewhere he is blocking and you are "protesting." Then try Thailand. By that time, you'll need medical evacuation, I guarantee it.