Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Good News Of The Day

This is change we  can believe in!  A hearty pat on the back to school superintendent Frances Gallo, who went toe to toe with the teacher's union in Central Falls, Rhode Island.  The school system, an utter failure, has a graduation rate of only 50%.  Gallo rolled up her sleeves and came up with common sense solutions to help solve the problem:

Her plan calls for teachers at a local high school to work 25 minutes longer per day, eat lunch with students once in a while, and help with tutoring.  The teachers' union has refused to accept these apparently onerous demands.
The teachers at the high school make $70,000-$78,000, as compared to a median income in the town of $22,000.                                                                                                                      
The school superintendent has responded to the union's stubbornness by firing every teacher and administrator at the school.

H/T Hot Air.


  1. AFW, I thought of you when I read this article. I knew you'd be tickled. :)

    I wanted to stand up and cheer!

  2. Yeehaw :O) Love hearing stuff like this. I am sure the union is sputtering about how unfair this all is, but I bet the teachers are ticked that they are now unemployed because their stupid union played hardball with the wrong guy!

  3. Oh, this is $70K+ and they can't do a little bit more? I'd stand on my head and whistle for $70K per year.

  4. Matt - it isn't 70K per year. It's 70K for ten months. AND she was willing to pay them extra for the summer work! I made a grand total of 24K a year teaching in Catholic Schools and thought that because of the hours and time off it was a perfectly reasonable wage (That was 10 years ago, so I wouldn't be so sanguine about the pay now, but then I was perfectly fine with it).

  5. Matt, no kidding! $70,000 for nine or ten months? I'd work 80-hour weeks and spoon-feed the kids their lunch if that's what it took to achieve success, wouldn't you?

    This whole story is rather shocking. I'm delighted and encouraged that the superintendent canned their spoiled asses.

  6. Woohoo! What awesome wonderfulness!!

    Yes, that IS change we can believe it. Made my night.
