Saturday, April 20, 2019

Easter Renewal

Inspirational music for a blessed Easter weekend.

I watched the movie about this man's life, also titled "I Can Only Imagine", yesterday. It was very, very good and moved me to tears (in a good way!). It's free on Amazon Prime Video if you are so inclined.

Watching Notre Dame in flames has left me shaken. I'm not a Catholic, and more a cultural protestant Christian than a true believer (I guess it depends what day you ask). Some days I'm a Buddhist. Or follow the Old Way. But yet, the builders of that magnificent cathedral are my ancestors. They picked up stones in their hands and strove the reach the heavens. All I have in life are gifts from the Western Christian legacy gifted to me by distant grandfathers, their names lost to me and to time, but not, I'm sure, to God.

 I'm wishing you all a Blessed Easter, and a joyful Pesach.


  1. Inquiring minds want to know what our Magic Fayre is cooking this weekend!

  2. The lovely young lady will be preparing a turkey breast. Fay is working today. I offered to cook but I figured we probably wanted it to be edible so Fay will do it.

    I hope everyone has a beautiful Easter and enjoys the true meaning of the day.

  3. Easter and Passover blessings to all!

    As Matt said lady red, we are having roast turkey with all the usual accompaniments. I will be making a strawberry & Kiwi pavlova for afters!

  4. Wishing you all a blessed Easter, Happy Passover, and a great (insert your festival here) weekend. :)

    Fay, I wanna piece of your pavlova!! I looove pavlova! In fact I love most desserts :D

    On a more serious note, the terrible fire at Notre Dame, followed by the horrific attacks in Sri Lanka, are a reminder of the hate that we all still face.

    Wishing strength and comfort to us all.

    1. Thank you annie! You are wonderful to remember us like this.

      I was devastated by the fire at Notre Dame, and I lean dharmic.

      I made a Tibetan Wind Horse (prayer flag) design for Judeo Christian solidarity.

      I'll explain it if anybody cares... but it's easy enough to read ;)


    2. Annie, I can't get my head around what the religion of peace gets away with on a daily basis. We are idiots for putting up with it. I feel useless to prevent it. So I content myself with the little joys each day holds.

      Today, part of that joy was the exceptional Pavlova I made! The wonderful recipe here.

      I also made the lemon curd. Yum!

    3. Hi Anne! Yes, the attacks in Sri Lanka are awful, and even worse is the way the massacre is reported in the news. It makes me so damn mad.

    4. @Lewy14, I can't read the Latin script, or rather I can but I have no idea what it means. But the Hebrew script reads "Hineni" over and over again - meaning "Here I am". Is that what you were intending to say?

      Fay, thanks for the recipe. I made pavlova once long ago and it was pretty good except that it started to "leak" underneath after a few hours. But it still tasted yummy! I obviously didn't follow your recipe!

    5. hi annie!

      You can't read the latin script because it's Koine Greek, written in an Alexandrian uncial style. It's from New Testament Parchment 39.

      "Maranatha" is a greek transliteration of an Aramaic phrase – which in turn is ambiguous.

      I'm not an expert but means "Come, Lord" or "Lord that has Come", depending on the word breaks.

      Point being: it can refer either to the Jewish Messiah to come, or to the Son of God who was the Son of Man. Either a Jew or a Christian can utter this sincerely. (IMO. The Jews will need to get a ruling. Such rulings exist; that part I'm not making up.)

      But if you call on the Lord, you better be ready.

      Hineni is what you said when G-d called on you. "Here I am, Lord."

      It's what Abraham said when he was ready to sacrifice Isaac.

      It implies a supreme readiness, a readiness to do whatever G-d calls upon you to do.

      If you call upon the lord, you better be ready. That's the way it seems to be called out in the books. Makes a ton of sense.

      If you call upon the Lord over and over left to right, mantra like, and proclaim your readiness over and over right to left, mantra like, you drive the Serpent back down into the earth, coil after coil.

      I fly this flag on the wind, beating it into the world like eggs into batter.

      Come, Lord. Here I am.

      This is my prayer.

    6. Credits:

      Inspiration: a Kalachakra Mandala that my swami friend / teacher brought me from Nepal.

      Maranatha: Walter Russell Mead essay, among other sources.

      Hineni: Leonard Cohen. (Legit!)

  5. lady red - the Old Ways are still the best ways, imo... 😇

  6. I just looked at the recipe for Pavlova at your link Fay. It looks amazing, to cook and to eat! I've never heard of it before. Mmmm!

  7. I should have scrolled further when I saw the piece from Steyn.

    "But yet, the builders of that magnificent cathedral are my ancestors. They picked up stones in their hands and strove the reach the heavens. All I have in life are gifts from the Western Christian legacy gifted to me by distant grandfathers, their names lost to me and to time, but not, I'm sure, to God."

    Beautifully said.

    I am struggling with my faith, just now, or rather my beliefs that I really have little faith are true, although I want them to be.

    The Notre Dame fire, even if accidental, was a terrible blow to my soul

    1. I heard a story about the stones in the facade of Notre Dame cathedral.

      There are a considerable number of stones which are below grade; sunk in to the mud.

      The workmen were asked why they were dressing and polishing these stones. "Nobody can see them, what does it matter?"

      "Our Lady can see them" was the answer.

      I don't share the faith, but I understand the feeling.
