Thursday, June 18, 2015

Garden Post

It's always exciting when a plant blooms for the first time. I have had several "first blooms" this year; on the other hand there is a Davidia tree in the garden that the nursery assured me would bloom the year after I bought it (2009). Still nothing! Maybe next year...

Hope you all enjoy some of the following photos.

This first plant doesn't look like much but it was one that I was most excited to see bloom. It is a rhododendron species, R. edgeworthii. Many of the species take years, if not decades, to bloom. It is a tender plant (+15) that I've kept in the garage during winters. I bought it in 2010 and put it in the ground for good this spring. I'm hoping it is large enough now - and is in an area with enough protection - to keep it alive. But if not, at least I've seen it bloom! This is a beautiful foliage plant and the blooms are sweetly scented.

See how teensy it was in 2012?


Here is another rhododendron, the hybrid 'Trinidad'. Only a 4-year wait for this one.

Lilium taliense, a 'Turk's Cap' lily.

Here are a few photos of Magnolia microphylla ssp. 'Ashei' (big leaf magnolia, umbrella tree). I've had this one 4 years as well, it does blooom at a young age. The leaves are huge - up to 20" long and 10" wide. You can get a pretty good idea of the proportions in the close-up photo. It is truly a magnificent plant! I'm so happy it blooms at a young age; another magnolia I've had for 14 years still shows no sign of blossoming.

Spent magnolia pistil. Interesting, isn't it?

Last but certainly not least are several photos of the aptly named Cardiocrinum giganteum (Himalayan giant lily). I purchased this in early 2009. I can't top the description from an old Heronswood catalog:

After up to 7 years, during which time a large basal rosette of glossy, heart-shaped leaves is produced, a swan song of towering stems to 15’, topped in wonderfully fragrant 10” lilies, is sent skyward, absorbing all of the enormous bulb it has formed, though young ones can be found attached to the main bulb and planted for blooms in 3 to 4 years.

So the little bulbils may come to fruition again in 2022! Good lord, I'll be REALLY old then. Hey, 70 is the new 50.


  1. I forgot to mention that you can click on the photos for full-size. I appreciate you all indulging me in posting about my love of plants. No matter how messy or tiresome the chore, I never resent working in the garden.

  2. Beautiful florrie! I didn't know that magnolias would grow in Washington. Are they the same species that grow in the south? I adore the scent of magnolia sweet!

    I love your different species of rhodies. And your lilies are amazing!

  3. Hey, 70 is the new 50.

    I hope so. Hahaha!!! :)

  4. So lovely florrie, thank you for sharing some of your beautiful garden with us. I love rhodo, magnelia and lily so this post made me happy!

  5. florrie your garden is amazing. Thank you so much for sharing with us!

    I love all your rhodies, they remind me of my mom's.

  6. Thanks for all the great comments, everyone. I never get tired of talking about plants!

    lady red, I think they are the same magnolias although they can grow more tender plants down south. But the star magnolia is quite popular here (we had one but left it in Sequim).

  7. What beautiful pictures florrie. Your garden is just beautiful. I love seeing different flowers and plants from different countries. On our recent roots trip to Germany we saw some beautiful pink flowers which we had no idea what they were, but looking at your pictures above I think they were rhododendrons too. What do you think?


  8. I love love LOVE lilies! I am just mad about their smell. I've seen similar ones here on sale but I've never seen them growing. I'm also crazy about the smell of citrus blossom.

    The magnolias you posted are beautiful, the closup looks almost like a rose. They're different to the magnolias that grow here. The ones that grow here look more like this:

